Tuesday, December 6, 2011

It's CD 9 and I have 3 mature follicles. Is an IUI at CD 11 normal?

Do what the doctors/nurses tell you. You don't want to have those follicles release and you're too late on your IUI!

I have an 18 month old cat, I've had him since he was 5 weeks old and although he's never had any reason to be?

frightened of strangers, he's petrified of them. He's not an outdoor cat, and he has a playmate. The other cat is almost entirely opposite. If anyone he doesn't know comes into the house, he hides for absolute hours, and it's worrying me. What can I do to help him?

Would this work (read on)...?

Yahoo is now building up statistics on valid Reporters. Should they go back and use these results for people who claimed to be falsly reported suspended in the past. Then Yahoo could and reinstate people who were removed due to the antics of false reporters in the past.

Am I abusive?

I'm the female in the relationship, but I have already hit my boyfriend three times. The first time I drove to see a friend in another state to think about the relationship. The last time he retaliated and did a wrestling move on me to show that it is not smart to hit him.

Driving test nerves and panic. I have my driving test tomorrow morning. And have been sick with nerves.?

Please help me. I have my driving test tomorrow morning. 9.37am!!! I am feeling sooo nervous and shaky. Have been sick with nerves, and can't eat anything.Really dry mouth, and feel so sick. HEL ME PLEASE. Any tips for staying calm and not panicking? Feeling really shaky.

Need to buy bike rack for my little hatchback. Which one?

I have a Holden Nova and need a bike rack that is strong enough for 2 bikes at present and possibly four bikes in future. Any tips appreciated.

How much do kindles or nooks run? and are they worth it?

I used to hate the idea of a kindle or nook because I like the feel of paper books and it feels less artificial. I'm getting like 700 dollars from my mom and grandparents for graduating and am debating on either buying a 3DS or a kindle/nook. I do like handheld gaming, but I love to read more. Do you think it is worth it? Or if I do like paper books more should I just stick with them?

My husband got a vasectomy and now Im worried?

My husband had a vasectomy on 9-4-09, he has stayed on the couch for a little under 2 weeks and he is back to work for the first time and he is still in alot of pain. Now there saying that they need to go in and do an ultra sound i am really worried, I am really worried that something might be wrong. If any one can tell me if they have gone through this and what the outcome was that would be great. Thank you for the help.

Is there a minimum of taxable interest I have to report?

My taxable interest on my sizable money market account was an impressive $0.57 for the year. Do I really have to report this? I drew up the figures for my 1040 and then realized I had forgotten it.


ok so this guy i rlly like came over and i never get to see him bc he lives so far away and the 2 nights he was over we kissed etc ( nothing rlly serious no more then kissing ) and then when we went to drop him off he hugs me and give me a small kiss on the neck and tells me to b good .... our parents where watching at that time... now i find out he has a gf so idk what to think i could like feel like love from him when we kissed and he nvr let his eyes off me soo idk ( btw i kindve feel bad for his gf, and i so wouldnt of done anything if id known)

My 63 year old father cried when I returned home, is that okay for a man?

Probably not seeing you for a long time softend him up (happens a lot) also your mom just died women are usually the emotional ones and not having her to talk to made him bottle everything up inside. I don't think anything is wrong with him psychologically just he bottled up his emotions for a long time, and when he saw you it made all his thoughts and feelings burst, because he hasn't seen you for such a long time all the emotions came out of the bottle.

Kristen Stewart's boyfriend?

Is Kristen Stewart still dating Michael Arangano? (cross my fingers she dusent) any1 have info or link? Do you think Kristen is too good for him coz i do... i tink she better off wid Robert Pattinson ;(

My parents think im cutting myself?!?

Stop hurting yourself and be more cautious to avoid accidents. Hope you heal quickly and use neosporin to prevent infections.

How does Kant's answer in "What is Enlightenment" fit into a bigger scheme of the Enlightenment movement?"?

“God finally told, “none of my creations can get rid of divisibility, comparability, connectivity, disturbability, reorderability, substituablity and satisfiability. Men and woman born under heaven with my wisdom are to experience and reveal these indestructible properties of mine through everyone and everything. My sons who realize my indestructible wisdom through these properties prosper in my kingdom. My sons who attempt to destroy my indestructible properties destroy their prosperity and acquire insanity.”

Do you think my rap freestyle was ok?

Actually, call me crazy but I liked it. I don't know how you can come up with such crazy **** off the top of your head though so I'm thinking you might have slightly worked on it before uploading it ;). Anyway, I tought it was funny. Big up.

Do you see JERSEY SHORE?? What do you tink about this Reallity Show?

I watched 10 seconds of it. It was quite depressing to see that people still talk and act like that.

Who had the greatest season at QB along with a Super Bowl Win from a statistics and record standpoint?

Brady '07 (TD Record), Manning '04 (QB Rating Record), and Marino '84 (Yards Record) all had the best QB seasons without a ring. but which QB had a comparable season along with a championship.

Would a older iguana attack a baby iguana in a tank?

There is a possibility of the iguana attacking the other because it feels the other iguana is invading its territory. The other possibility is that they may become attached to each other and be friends

Where can i get those sweatpants....?

that are kinda tight at the bottoms. i am 5'5'' and i weigh 105. where can i get these sweat pants?? please help. oh and that are afforadable.

Can singaporean get unsecured loan from overseas lender online?

We are prompted at times to apply for consolidated loan from overseas lenders. However, when it comes to states while filling the address, we are stuck.

Arm hurts after work or lifting weights.?

My left arm was sore for several weeks awhile back and I figured it was from my job. I work at a dry cleaner and when the cleaned clothes come in I have to put them all in numerical order and hang them up on a rack above my head. I figured it was the repetition so after babying my arm for a few weeks the pain went away. I switched shifts so I am no longer there in the afternoons when the clean clothes come in and have had no problems with my arm in several months. I just joined a gym and lifted weights with my teenage son yesterday and this morning the same pain was back again. I couldn't even use my arm to put on my name tag at work because my left arm won't bend to my chest. I can't hold anything even slightly heavy because my arm won't support it and any sudden movements send shooting pain up my whole arm. I wrapped it in an ace bandage today to prevent me from moving it too much but the restrictions are pissing me off because I'm not use to my body not doing what it's told. My current plan is to continue lifting weights just smaller ones and build back up. I use to lift weights all the time when I was younger and have taken several kinesiology and nursing cles so I know how to lift properly. I just want to know why my arm is giving me grief, how to fix it and prevent it from happening again. I don't have insurance so I am not going to go to a doctor, they will most likely want to cut me open anyways and there is no way I'm allowing that. My mother in law had nerve surgery in her arm and now her pain is worse than ever so forget that, it's not an option. Any physical therapist/ personal trainers out there who have a better plan or recommendation? If it helps any I am an overweight 39 year old female who is just starting to get back into shape because I get out of breath and chest pains walking across campus at college. I use to work out a lot in my younger days but then kids, disabled husband, work, returning to college.... life got in the way and I got too busy and couldn't find time anymore. The chest pain and shortness of breath just walking from my motorcycle to cl was a real eye opener. I refuse to die young of obesity related heart problems damn it. I plan to teach my great grand kids how to ride a motorcycle and celebrate my 100th birthday at Sturgis.

Does anyone understand ovulation more than me (very likely)?

at this precise moment in time 7pm on tuesday you are not ovulating the creamy discharge is kinda amber when you have the stringy Mucas sits green gogogogogo there is a chance though because sperm are ment to last 7days which i don'tnt quite believe but they do say start havinbaby making days two days before good luck

Jonas brothers meet and greet!?!?

why do you have this posted in this section. i'm sure it's true, but then again...ur probably not gonna be the one of the 100th people because i'm sure girls would spend the night like for 2 days at the place waiting for them to arrive. umm....i think joe jonas will be coming out the closet soon...you can tell by his gaydar.

Is it possible to get sharp pains on implantation?

It would probably not be in your side, but rather right in front..I have had it, but it was a very light pain, and it was not on the sides..Sorry

Is ear wax a type of slime mold?

this is for a biology project...we are growing slime molds but we don't know exactly what it is, the genus name is myxomycota( which means slime/mucus, a fungus, the ear in english) and it's a slime mold plasmodum

Are these little johnny joks funny?

LOL! Good ones! Is your name Chris? I haven't seen you around for a while because they won't e-mail me anymore when someone asks a question. The second one was the best out of all the jokes I've seen today. Worth a star.

How can i make my internet connection faster for my xbox 360?

i have 2 routers, and my xbox is wired connection.. when i connect to the modem i can play with my best friend, but when i used a router i cannot. why? my routers are.....Netgear WGR614 v9..... and ........(CISCO) Linksys wireless-N home router model # WRT120N... can somone help me to try to connect to my friend with a router?

Who here watch's King Of Queen cause i need a favor to ask?

i know of this one episode where doug and deacon go to atlantic city and when they where up in there room they start talking then doug jumps on the bed and says I WAS BLUFFING. Does this episode sound familar to anyone. Cause i been trying to record it on my DVR and have not found it yet can someone help.

Gay-themed films(/movies)?

My favorite gay-related movie of all time is The Crying Game. It is an amazing treatment of what love really means.

Where can i download pokememon emulators for my pc.?

Im rying to download and play full versions of the pokemon handheld game for my pc but where do i find them?

Which name with the nickname Mady/Maddie/Madi, do u prefer?

I love the nickname Maddi. I prefer Maddison rather than Madeline although it is becoming quite common. I was actually thinking of naming my next child Matilda so it can be shortened to Mattie which is very similar but a little less common.

Does anyone know the best way to travel from chaing mainin thailand down to southern tahiland and from phuket?

AirAsia is a good start but there are other airlines to check out.Try Thai airways,Nok Air,or One2Go(if they're still in business)Thai are more expensive,but what price convenience? The rail network is pretty good and covers all destinations you mention,although you will need to bus the last couple of hours to Phuket and Koh Samui.For all practical purposes the train terminates at Phun Phin(Surattanni) and you bus from there.Don't worry about connections tourists are well catered for and operators will ume you are going on to Pkuket/Samui and will bundle you onto a bus!.The bus system will also take you to any of the holiday resorts,is cheap and reasonably comfortable.Journeys can be a bit long winded as Thai drivers cant seem to go more than 50 miles without stopping to eat.Bus journeys can sometimes be a little bit...how can I say?.....interesting?..especially between Surat and Phuket,not much of that leg is dual carriageway so bus drivers use the invisible centre lane.I don't want to sound like an old fart but you should buckle up if you can.....To sum up.I would fly to Phuket from Chiang Mai,bus/ferry Phuket to Koh Paghan,speedboat to Koh Samui and fly up to Bangkok when you go home

Will Obama avoid appealing the striking down of his healthcare law to avoid a huge political defeat?

Should he just expend his energy right now reviving Wyden-Bennett framework to begin a new bipartisan effort to repeal healthcare rather than fight for a lost cause?

What are some xbox 360 games that are under 25 dollars, do you think I should get (and why-optional)?

You can check here a href="http://www.pandamimi.com/games/xbox-360-gc-6.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.pandamimi.com/games/xbox-360-…/a to see if anything you want.

What do you feel comfortable wearing on your period?

That's not weird. I also wear dark jeans when I'm on my period. And just in case it goes through my pants, I always have a sweater wrapped around my waist.

Again help me make this paragraph formal please?

Within 2 years i have managed to accomplish 150 hours of community service. I have helped children with special needs, i have visited hospitals and have dedicated some time working with homeless people. All of these have empowered me with greater self-confidence........i'm out of words, can you help me continue?

How do you speed up a song using Windows Movie Maker?

I'm trying to set a video to pictures, but I thought it would be funny if the song was sped up ("chipmunk style"). Any help would be awesome!

Pro photogs - how do you feel when you're on the customer side of the business?

Unless it's absolutely horrible, I try to hold my tongue. Having photographed a bunch of other photographers, it's really frustrating because photographers are the pickiest subjects.

Why does it bother some of you so much that Randy Orton and John Cena are friends?

I swear, some of you have to realise that what people are like on TV aren't what they are like off it. Randy Orton, John Cena, and John Hennigan (Johnny Nitro) have been friends since their OVW days. Hell, it was John who helped weight train Randy because John used to be a professional body builder, so Randy has alot to thank to John, and Randy helped show John what he knew from his countless years practicing with his family. In fact, it was John that was the first person to defend Randy when Randy ruined Rochelle's purse with tanning lotion, John said, "the ***** kind of deserved it," because nobody liked her backstage except the other Divas (not including Lita, Trish, and Victoria). Just accept it. I might be wrong, and you might not have a problem with it, but if you do I will state once again that their WWE characters are just that, characters, so get over it and enjoy the show.

Should the Empowerment of one group come at the expense of Others?

Reality should come in second after feeling good. I'm sure when they all have high self-esteem, they will repay us for all the kindness we have shown them. Besides we have been oppressing them for thousands of years, is it no wonder that they are a little miffed at us? We should try to placate women by giving them everything they ask for and atone for our crimes against them.

Tax refund "processing delay."?

The IRS is screwing everything up this year....They cant even keep up with how much everyones stimulus check was last year

Where can i find liverpool slippers in size kids 13 and size 6 in hull?

i cant remember any of shops names but there is one down whitefriargate a shoe shop next to mcdonalds if you cant find any in there try the internet

Your wild/crazy/funny experiences in fallout 3?

I love the game, and new things always happen. I'll punch someone and they'll go flying. One time I leveled up but wasn't able to apply point any where, or do anything you get to do when you level up, and I leveled up again and was able to put double everything. I remember picking a hard lock when I had 25 points, I remember throwing a grenade while in vats and it didn't explode, and lol I was going to kill the behemoth that comes when you touch the bear in the cart. 1st of all, I didn't go near the cart I was fighting the other mutants, and he came. Dogmeat died so I reloaded, then went at it again. I set up some bottle cap mines and activated the bear. He ran over em and they didn't blow up. The strongest gun I had was a rifle, and the 10mm pistol. So I was there all day fighting him. I had very few stim paks. I beat him, looted him, then on my way heading out, I activated the bottle cap mines and died

Is my cat's eye injury serious?

Late last night, my cats woke me up while fighting.I noticed that one cat was holding one of her eyes only half open . When I looked more closely I could see a clear drainage (like tears) coming from the eye. I did not see anything in the eye and it looked OK. Today she has acted normal, and both eyes looked normal but I've caught her twice holding the eye half closed like she did last night. I've also observed a small amount of yellowish drainage aculate in the corner of her eye a couple of times today. I decided to inspect closer and when I pulled her lower eyelid down, the white part of the eye is really red. Other than that it looks normal. Of course, I'm scheduled to leave in the morning to go out of town until Friday. I'm debating on whether I should try to change my plans (will be expensive!) in order to take her to the vet, or can I just wait it out since she'd played, eaten and acted OK today?

Which instrument should I learn next?

I already know how to play piano and I am getting one this upcoming week, which iam excited about, its not one of the best pianos but it will do. My goal or dream was to learn three Instruments piano, violin, and cello, now that I learned one which one should I learn next? I am not going to start a new instrument right away, probably a year or two after the piano. I already have a few store in mind for the violin the place where I brought the piano has three violins for sale for a cheep price.

I don't know if my period is late?

If the bleeding came on time according to the date when the pills are suppose to make your period come then Yes that was considered your period.

Please answer if you'd have Knowledge, or experience on hypnotherapy?

doest it works on panic cases, and how they treat the pascients do tey use some kind of drug. or a differet method of relaxation. in oder to study the subconscienteous

What are your thoughts of PGA golfers smoking cigarettes on the golf course?

Angel Cabrera won the US Open this weekend but was recorded live smoking a cigarette while walking the course trail. Is this a problem?

Does this guy like me?? Or am i just over reacting?

ok so there's this guy he's really cute. everytime i see him he's always showing off on his bike!! He even asked people to move so he can show off. My aunt asked him when he was showing off if i'm his girlfriend like 3 times!! i was there standing all red. luckily it was night time. and once i was talking to my brother and i asked him about my guy friend. and the cute guy asked if he's my bf and i told him maybe maybe not :P and then he started talking about his exgirlfriend that he made out with her... yaa that's weird!! and whenever his friends ask me how old i am they mention him. they think that im the right age for him. because they're like ooo and they say his name. in the beg. when i met him he was really mean to me and then he got so nice to me. he's always outside and hangs out with me when i'm there where he lives. this guy is 2 years older than me and i dont see him much because he doesn't live by me. i haven't seen him in 7 months!! does he like me or not?? idk!!

Do I want a jeep wrangler 4 cylinder?

whats the gas mileage for a Jeep wrangler with a 4 cyl engine. I don't need the power because I'm not going to be like going of turrain or anything and so the power isn't nessicary but I really want one is it worth?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Good tripod for a canon 40D?

Hi all, I have a canon 40D and i am wanting to buy a tripod for it. I do weddings, so if anyone can recommend a good tripod, this would be great :) thanks!

How to keep a husky cool on the summer?

I am planning to get a husky sometime and was wonder how can I keep them cool during the summer? I do understand the responsibility and the amount of the exercise required. How could I keep them cool while I am not at home? Can I put ice cubes in there water? Can I put a kiddie pool on my patio and just leave them outside with water? Please and Thank you.

Vehicle problems! Please help!?

I bought a vehicle in tennessee and brought it with me to Texas where I live. I just finished paying the vehicle just this friday that past but it so happens that the license plate is expiring today march 31. The financing bank told me that I will be getting my title within 2 weeks. I have to wait to get the title to make it texan. My question is what can i do temporary so I can drive my car while I wait for my title????

If you have two jugs, one that is 5 gallons and the other 3 gallons, how do u get 4 gallons?

Fill the 5 gallon twice with the 3 gallon, you should have 1 gallon left over in the 3 gallon after the 2nd fill. Empty the 5 gallon and then pour the 1 gallon into it. Then refill and pour the 3 gallon into the 5 gallon.

Does the local anesthetic injection before a Vasectomy hurt?

I understand that there may be complications/pain/swelling after during recovery. I can manage that. I am very nervous about the procedure. Not so much the cutting because I will be numb, I am worried about the actual injection of the local anesthetic. I think I can deal with them going through the skin but how bad does them pulling and then injecting the actual tube hurt? Please fellas be 100% percent honest, I don't care if you are tuff I want the truth.

How a bill becomes a law?

Once a bill is written, it is sent to _____________________. If it fails, it __________. If it pes, it goes to the _____________________________ for debate and vote. If it pes, it goes to __________________. If it pes there, it is sent to the ________________. This office has ________ days to act. If it is signed or no action is taken, the bill _____________________. If the bill is vetoed, it returns to _________________________. A vote of _______ majority is necessary to override the veto. If that majority is achieved in both houses, the bill becomes a law; if not, the bill _________.

Please help me in knowing why the following tablets and injection are used for?

what is your disease problem... it can be cured with holistic healing method , without medicines...write me...kumrao99@yahoo.co.in

2 years and 5 months old boy. He speaks a lot, but doesn't say much. No autism. How worried should we be? ?

My son is 2 years and 5 months old. He speaks a lot, but doesn't say much. He says the same words over and over again. However, his vocabulary is about 35-45 words and about half are not right. For example, he says Pea instead of Peach. I thought maybe he could not pronounce the "ch" sound, but he could say cheeze (cheese). I was a late talker. So was my dad. My mother-in-law beleives that my wife was also a late talker. So were some of her uncles. My wife is very worried (she is a teacher and a worrier). I am less worried. I think that he will grow out of it. However, I don't have any stats on this. How many children have this issue and grow out of it? How many don't grow out of it? (I don't know any adults with speech problems). How many kids have perminent problems in life/learning disabilities because of this, even with treatment? More info: My sons hearing is fine. He understands everything we tell him. He knows all his alphabet and can name almost all of them. However, he cannot prenounce some of them correctly (Ha instead of aich (H)). A speech therapist has ruled out autism. How worried should we be? PS I mistakenly placed this in Newborn & Baby first instead of Toddler & Preschooler.

Why do men not attach to their children as well as women...?

I don't know. All I know is that my son prefers to play and joke with me, but prefers the cuddle with his mom. He will wiggle his way out if I try to calm him down by cuddling him, but with his mom it's easier for her. I can calm him down by making him laugh and his mom can't. Could the baby also be a variable in this equation?

How many people found the cover of the New Yorker Magazine completely tastless?

I don't care what party you're affiliated with, surely you agree that the caracature of the Obamas was distateful and nothing more than trash. Whoever is in charge of that rag ought to be fired for allowing something like that on the cover. I hope that magazine lines a lot of bird cages this week.

If the White Sox make the playoffs even without Quentin,?

will that decrease his chances of being the Most Valuable Player, since they could make it without him? Would that narrow the race to Dustin Pedroia and Josh Hamilton? Or does Quentin still have a good shot at MVP?

Is this ok for my this i beleive intro para?

You will sometimes waste your time on people that don’t matter. You will waste time fighting with the haters, arguing with the jealous girls, crying over guys or girls, arguing over drama, letting rumors ruin friendships, or getting mad at stupid things. Well I don’t. I worry about helping my friends in their time of need, hanging out with friends, and thinking about the positives. People p through our lives. they come in and out and don’t leave a thing, but friends the come but when they go they leave an imprint in our lives.

How do I bet 2 horses to provide a pre-determined profit, should either win?

umm you could play a 2 dollar exacta playing your two facorates or you could play my favorate across the board so it cost 6 dollars and you can win even if your horse comes 1 ,2,or ,3 i play or you could play partial wheel like say you like the 5 and 6 you could play partial wheel 5 over the 1,2,6 first and second so as long as the horse on top comes first or second and two of your other three come in you win the trifecta ammount i believe it cost 12 dollars for a dollar trifetca and you get half of the winnings but if you bet a 2 dollar trifecta it cost 24 dollars and you get the full winnings

Hair follicle infection..HELP!?

I have acne, scars, and bumps on my neck, back of my neck, on my upper back, spreading down, on my chest, spreading down to my stomach, and it's spreading onto my arms, both of them. I DO NOT like to put drugs or medicine in my system whatsoever. Apperently the infection is in my blood stream..according to the dermatologist that I went to like three times. What do I do?..It's getting really bad =/..

Good Country song's? ? ? ?

How about "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" and "Take Me Home Down Country Roads" both by the late Henry John Deutschendorf, Jr. (a.k.a. John Denver, 1943-1997)?

Appetizers that are different and delicious please.?

the country club that i work at does this thing called "Tapas Night", where we have an additional appetizer menu to accompany our regular menu. It changes weekly, which is becoming quite a challenge creating a unique menu each week. So, any ideas what we could serve? Recipes are not necessary, but helpful. Thanks in advance.

Girls- have you ever discovered a guy who is more ticklish then you?

My boyfriend is beyondddd ticklish on his feet. He made up this huge lie about how he burned off a couple layers of skin off the bottom of his feet when he was little and how no one could touch it because it would hurt him bad. One day i tried it and found out he was lying and was just super ticklish.

Do this fantasy football trade? 10 pts!?

I think it's a decent trade. Boldin is sort of a sure thing to get you about ten points a week, but you have a strong receiver core, especially with Santonio returning soon. Jamaal Charles is hampered by having an idiot for a coach, but I think he could be the next Chris Johnson.

Cooking for party of 30 -- Getting nervous -- What can I make ahead of time?

Friday night: (1) Put all the ingredients for the meat together and put them in the fridge in a sealed container. (2) Cut up your peppers and onions and put them in the fridge in a sealed container. (3) Make the salsa dip; it'll actually be better after it sits for a day, and you won't have all that extra cleanup on the day of your event. Saturday morning: (1) Prep the mac and cheese, but don't bake it yet. (2) Prep the ziti, but don't bake it yet. (3) Take the meat out of the fridge and throw them in your slow cooker on low. They can sit all day in there! Turn up to high if you need to, but don't leave on high all day as they might dry out. (4) Make your walnut dip. (5) Get your mac and ziti in the oven. Try to time it so it's done about 3:30. While that's baking, you can set up and clean up. Good luck!

Stratosphere or Gold Coast? For my hunny moon.?

My fiance and I are getting married in Reno in June. We are driving down to vegas the following morning and we intend to spend a week. I've narrowed it down to those two casino's, in terms of value and quality. If we do stay at the tower I would probably pay for a night in the gran suite since they are so affordable there. Anyone have experience with these two properties?

Penelope Garcia, criminal minds, HOT?

Does anyone else thingk Penelope Garcia from the show Criminal Minds is totally smokin' hot? Or am I just weird? Opinions?

Where should I buy cheap granite for my cabinet tops in oklahoma city area?

Your best source may be a Home Depot. At the least, it's worth pricing out your granite there, and what the installation will cost as well. It's the least expensive cost I've found unless you can find a nice home being remodeled and see if there are granite countertops you can have.

I accidentally deleted my recovery partition while reinstalling vista...What do I do now?

i accidentally deleted my recovery partition while reinstalling windows vista and with my amazing luck, the power cord disconnected while midway through the installation. Now i get a message when i start that bootmgr is missing press ctrl alt delete to restart. When i try booting from the cd drive, the computer doesnt recognize it. I can set it in bios to boot from the the cd drive first but this still does nothing. I get the same message about bootmgr when setting the cd drive as the first option in the boot sequence. I'm really at a loss of what to do. Any suggestions?

Coming off the pill...?

No side effects except one! Pregnancy! Good luck and I expect within 2 weeks you will ovulate as body gets quickly back to norm . It is usually instant that your body knows the pill has left and things go back to the usual cycle ! Good luck.

I need help with choosing the best title for my paper. Which is the best?

Hungy for change is a pun and very amusing. Choose that. Not only will you gain readers but you will also gain more marks. :D

Why do they butcher history in school?

Do you also feel that way about American indian history If so good Read up on the beaver wars These were wars between the American Indian were more were killed or displaced than all the wars we American had with them Why to get british rum and guns Read about the cannibalism that went on read how the American indian wiped out the beaver population in many states

Electric Field Questions?

It's been a while, but the particle should repel from the plate. The force it undergoes should be F = charge*Field*DistanceFromField (I think). You will need to integrate over the 2cm to figure out what this force will do to the velocity of the electron. The initial velocity is dependent on the kinetic energy, E = 0.5*m*v^2. Hope this helps, best of luck.


I always use to go with just about anybody on the weekends and have fun,, and party and stuff. Here... if youre not out gettin drunk, youre prob. just sittin at home. Well here lately I havent been in the mood to drink, I guess Ive partied myself out of it. I hardly go anywhere anymore, or talk to anyone at all. I feel like I am not liked anymore, and that no one cares if I even live here or not. The only time I ever get out of my house now is when my friend calls me over to her house, or when this guy is in town and sumtimes he dont even call me then. Would you feel like I do in this situation, or would it not bother you? What would you do?

What are some of the funniest yo mama jokes?

My favorite) Your moms so old when I told her to act her age she died. And your moms so old Mozart was in the top 40

Why isn't it okay for all countries to have nuclear weapons?

i know because some countries are "evil" but isn't it really not fair that some countries have them and do not allow others to? shouldn't all countries be allowed to defend themselves on equal ground? if not, then why are they recognized as a country at all and not overthrown by the stable country nearby?

Twilight Vampire Question?

Okay ill try my best to explain these. First when they become vampires they are frozen in their current state. Edward could produce sperm because he already had it in him when he was turned. they arnt solid stone either. everything is just frozen pretty much and hardened. they cant cry because they cant produce things they dont have (like tears). they can most likely get like any other male ;-)

Why do i only get attention when he wants ?

My husband only pays me attention when he wants ...he makes me feel so neglected...granted he works long hours and is tired ALL the time but every time i go near him, even to sit on the chair beside him he makes an excuse to escape!..I only want a little kiss and cuddle is that too much to ask!??...he says he loves me and i 'think' he does but IF he 'did' why doesn't he show he cares?...I feel unhappy with things as they are and feel i need more from a relationship than this, when i confront him about it he says, im over reacting and he's not THAT sort of person (meaning he's ignorant and uncaring in my opinion) i sometimes think he doesn't deserve my love and care...When he's in need of some relief though hes like a different person and he can't get enough of me..as soon as he's done, he reverts back to his caveman self....All thoughts appreciated on this...be honest!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hard Rock song on Monday Night Football: November 3, 2008?

I was watching the MNF game tonight. Steelers vs. Redskins. A song was played when I was watching. It sounded a bit like Nickelback, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't them. Anyone watch the game and know what song this is?

Do you agree with our soldiers in the American Legion about the travesty of the dream act?

Yes, I do. From what I hear it's most likely not going to be ped, and that's a good thing for the country. We should be sending this message in the strongest possible terms; STOP coming here illegally!

More fun news Obama ?

Good news, Shawn Bradley: the New Jersey Nets are offering free tickets to people out of work. David Waldstein of The Star-Ledger reports: "In a nod to current economic conditions, the basketball team will give unemployed fans who submit their resumes to the Nets Job Bank up to four free tickets, plus access to a Nov. 22 career fair at their home arena, team president and chief executive Brett Yormark said. The team also will distribute applicants' resumes to its sponsors." A nice gesture, sure, but it begs the question: Haven't these poor people suffered enough? Zing! THINK ABOUT THE WORKING CL(they should be rewarded) Instead of sending the unemployed to a bball game, why don't we send them to ummm well maybe to the unemployment office to get a damn job!!!! The unemployed are even complaining because the NETS arent doing so well. WOW God bless america

What position should I play?

You have the physical skills to play QB, but you need the ability to lead the team. You need to be the one who the team can rely on. If you're down 2 TDs or something and your team is dragging ..you have to be the one to pick them up and keep them in the game. With that height I think you should either bulk up and play tight end or work on your route running and catching ability and play some WR. If you're in high school 6'3 is tall enough to where you can snag most jump .

What is a "rabbit" vibrator?

Its the most ugly peice of machinery that I've seen. Its is has you know for those unworthy of getting a proper lover. Plastic rubber and battery device.

Help! i want to move brazil when im older. what are the basic facts i need to know to get prepared?

like there culter and everything like that. and what i should avoid there because i heard that possesed people live in brazil? but i im moving in a few years when i graduate high school. help as much as you can pleasee (i want to move to salvador bahia)

Is there a time limit when a car purchase can be reversed?

We bought a car (today) and are reconsidering... isnt there a time frame in which we can reverse the purchase? we live in TX. any sources/references would be appreciated

Okay help. amazing new york city weekend?

ha go to brooklyn and there is a nice little park on 82nd street between Foster and Faragut across the street from a burger king its nice to go to during summer for winter.... go to Kings Plaze Mall in brooklyn or Roller Skating somewhere(No rinks in brooklyn) Ohhh go iceskating in Aviator Park Like behind kings Plaza. and GO Pizza tasting me and my girl did that yesterday and had fun. ummm it cost like $200 for almost every pizza shops but if you got money do it ice skating is 8 dollars per person movies at kings plaza is 8 dollars per person and there are some nice stores at kings plaza

Why does my amp fuse keep blowing up on my Scion TC?

The speakers are already amplified and unless you bought kit to turn off you cannot put in any amp or radio without blowing fuses and eventually system. They are proprietary as most cars are now. Harness does not turn off amps in speakers but is needed too. Kit is around 75.00 to keep using any existing stereo that came with car which is a pioneer with 150 watts of power or upgrade which is 300 watts. Basically by not using kit you are using 2 amps on each speaker as well as stereo unit.

Why are we Giants fans feeling bad for the Rangers?

I'm not a fan of either team, but I want the Giants to win the series mainly because the Rangers eliminated my team. I'm a big believer in Karma and the Rangers should get what they deserve: An @$$kicking from the Giants.

Where will liverpool stand in the EPL?

Obviously as a Pool fan I hope they are top at the end of the season. However my head tells me that it will be probably 3rd or 4th. I think tho we will be closer in terms of points to the eventual champions who I think will be Chelsea or Man Utd.

Osmosis can be defined as .........?

Osmosis can be defined as the diffusion of water, or more accurately, the movement of water from an area of high concentrartion to an area of lower concentration.

How can i play songs that have been purchased off of Itunes on a different account?

I have a new apple account and everything with that account has worked fine but i also had an old AOL account on Itunes on which i purchased music but now i can't play those songs because Itunes says i need to update my account to an apple account, which I did, but i still can't access those songs and after contacting apple I was still not able to get onto this old account so I was hoping there was another way I could authorize these songs or byp the Itunes authorization altogether.

Handicap Maintenance.?

Where else maintain handicap for golfers without club membership in Singapore other than NTUC Golf kaki?

Can you tell me something about any of these four breeds? Have you had any of them before? list...?

I can't speak for any of the other breeds, but my ex-girlfriend had Irish Setters growing up and swears up and down that they are the only breed she will ever own again.

I need to finish this song...?

sorry but when u rite a song it just comes to you. you shouldn't have to think about it. it took me a YEAR to write a good song once. so i just wait till they come to me. (and the lyrics aren't the best...no offence. im really sorry.)

Late Period/Early Period/No Period

Ok--I'm on a 28 day cycyle and my last period was due around 7/10, but I got it early on 7/5. I normally have clockwork cycles and my periods are always on time. Well, on my regular cycle I should have gotten my period around 7/25, and on the early period schedule my AF should have come around 8/1. My hubby and I had on 6/28 during my June ovulation cycle, and 7/27, which would have been my ovulation cycle based on my normal schedule. On a few occasions, I have dry heaved in the afternoon, but this has only happened a couple of times. I'm still exercising 5 days a week, and it ranges from moderate to hard depending on my mood. I usually drink 1 gallon of water a day, etc. No weird food cravings, no tenderness, no bloating, no PMS symptoms, nothing! The only thing I can see is that my l discharge is similar to the ovulation discharge...it's been this way for a couple of weeks, which is strange. Oh, and yes, I've taken early pregnancy tests for the past two weeks and all have been negative. I don't know what's going on...am I pregnant or what? I appreciate your feedback. Thanks!

The Harry Potter 2 movie?

in HP 2 movie, why was there water on the floor when filches cat was petrified, and the first message was writtin on the wall. It never explains it, and HP, Ron and Hermione hadn't met Moaning murtle yet, so it couldn't have been her, there was no reason to flood bathroom. Why was the floor wet?

For Special Cases of an Ex can anyone tell me what the deal is?

He's just trying to make you feel sorry for him and to take him back would not be in your best interests. Boys and men will say anything to get people on their side, and girls will, too, but in this situation, steer clear of him.

Who thinks Batista has the right to go out there and question what Michaels did.?

I mean sure I can understand from Batista's standpoint. Him and Flair were friends for years, but you can't really say Batista wouldn't have givin Flair his 'A' game if he was asked. That is exactly what Michaels did, he brought the Showstopper. Just thought I would get some other opionons.

How to laminate or hold together somewhat thick posters?

I am doing a speech, with posters that are fairly thick.. At least thick enough that they cannot be put through our school's laminating machine. Each time I give the speech, they get beat up, and the letters and pictures on it keep coming off and getting bent. Is there anything I can do about this? I can't seem to find any self-adhesive laminating sheets that are large enough... Help? Ideas? Experience with this?

I have a tax problem- H& R Block keep messing up ( as so often)?

I hired Block to review return. They call it COMPLEX and already gave 2 different refund amount after I complained. I came up with $ 249- Here are the numbers. W2- Box 1 $7200/ B2 $960 -retirement plan sickpay taxable-1099 MISC - Box 7- 8910 ( expenses 3783)SSA-1099 box 5 14939 - Trust K-1 - 1041- Box 1- $480 - 2a $6970 - 2b 2632 - 14- B $109- US Gov int. on line 1 -$117- total income foreign countries $ 1075 - foreign taxes $ 109- Block tells me they do not credit the foreign taxes!!! I always got them credited. They seriously asked me to give them a list of countries to where I paid taxes!? You are supposed to write other countries. I know $ 100 more or less is not much. It is just that I hired Block to do it right and they did not ! I paid them not to prepare my return but to review it - I came up with a refund of $ 249. Any tax professional out there who is smarter than Block? How can I argue with them that I get tax credit? "Professional" hung up on me!!! What a service.

Does anyone know about a gameroom bust in porter texas friday night?

Do you know what happened there? Katherine Melntyre, a ugly woman engaging in criminal activity, was arrested together with 55 other mothers, $8400 and all the gambling apparatus .

Do you think Kyles confidence can carry over into next weeks Cup race?

I was wondering if anyone has heard from my son lately. He said he was going to play in his treehouse with his Kyle Busch and Clint Bowyer dolls and I haven't heard from him all day.

What kind of CD changer fits Mercedes Benz c-cl 1998?

a href="http://www.crutchfield.com/S-8dLn09iT6kg/cgi-bin/prodview.asp?g=65500&I=581A88MI&search=mercedes+cd+changer" rel="nofollow"http://www.crutchfield.com/S-8dLn09iT6kg…/a

Cannon Powershot sd780 IS or casio exilim ex-s12?

I can't decide lol. i have the ex-s10 and love the style and look of it. but the cannon looks nice also. which one?

Have you ever pestered someone out the kindness of your heart and loss them?

through being annoying, basically i really miss someone and want to speck to them but i feel like im pestering them and that i will push them away but without me talking to them i feel like im allowing them to forget me

Am I being unreasonble?

I am sick with cancer and my mom is here taking care of me. My wife has never been much of a houswife. She just recently started taking care of her own kids. My wife is more a career woman than a homebody. She tries but she just doesn't fit the bill. My mom runs circles around her in the cleaning cooking and pampering department. She is more attentive to my needs. She is available for me 24/7. For example. One night at 2am I nudged my wife awake to aske her to bring me a gl of water. I have a terminal illness and am bedridden so I can't do these things for myself. She gets up with an attitude and brings it. I don't have to worry about that with my mom. She does everything I ask with a smile. My wife quit her job and stopped going to school she says to take care of me, but, she doesn't do half the things my mother does. My mom wants to leave and go back down south because my insecure wife doesn't want her around. I know I will not recieve the care I have been getting once my mom goes

The Base of the Pyramid Essay help?

The Base of the Pyramid Short Essay clearly articulate a business challenge that an organization working in a low - income community is striving to overcome. it must describe in detail the business model and include a financial ysis of the business. Business models may be successful or unsuccessful, provided the challenge and solution - attempt is elaborated upon

How much is an original french painting of Monseigneur the Duke of Brittany and Marie Adelaide is worth?

I have an original painting with the words "Monseigneur le Duc de Bretagne" (Monseigneur The Duke of Brittany) and "Fils de Monseigneur le Duc de Bourgogne et de Marie Adelaide de Savoye" (Wire of Monseigneur the Duke of Burgundy and Marie Adelaide of Savoye) on the back and i'm wondering how much its worth.

Question about hotel lounge???

I visited a hotel with my husband last weekend and there was a concierge lounge inside the lounge was quite a bit of alcohol and appetizers, but no employees around. Are all concierge lounges like that...with alcohol and no employees? Couldn't young kids go in there and drink unsupervised?

Official NCAA game..?

This seems like an easy thing to find but for the life of me I can't. I am looking for an official NCAA game football. The official have the home teams logo imprinted on the ball in gold, in this case I am looking for the UT Longhorns. If someone knows where i can get one or can direct me to a site I would greatly appreciate it.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


sleeper sofas are usually uncomfortable but there are things you can do to help. One is putting a plywood board under your mattress so it doesn't fall through the wire cracks, and another is using "egg crate". Egg crate is foam in the shape of what it's called that gives you cushioning... good luck! I think the person was just trying to sell you something.

I've got a question for just the guys...

the other day i was reading a magazine glamour or cosmo i forget which one...there was an article about parts of the female body that guys love but we females hate...i was just curious guys what is your favorite part of the female body and why?

If I apply for a loan what are the chances I'll be approved?

I have had some credit issues in the past. I'm currently 21. When I was 18 I was kicked out for getting my nose pierced, and had to live with a friend. I had a job that paid me 7.40/hr and was going to college 2 days a week. I moved out of my friends house into a mobile home with some roommates, so I had to drop college to pay rent. I had to take out an $800 loan to drop a cl and completely forgot about it until right now...I have not been contacted in anyway about this loan and it's been 3 years. Needless to say I forgot about it. I had signed up for a Maurices card and was doing fine with that until my hours got cut to approximately 20/week. I had rent, car insurance and a phone bill plus gas and food expenses. So the Maurice's payment wasn't the first thing on my mind. I paid it off a while ago, around 2 years, and I though my name was free and clear...until I remembered that stupid loan that the college clearly doesn't care too much about. Anyhow, taxes are coming up and I'm claiming head of household along with dependents so my return should be decent. I was going to apply for an auto loan to get a used 09 Cobalt from a dealer, but it's a little under $10,000 hence my need for a loan. Am I going to be denied because of this $800 forgotten college loan, and If I pay it off when my taxes come in will I be able to be approved then? Also am I going to need full coverage on this car with an auto loan or can I just get PLPD on it?

Is FOX making Christian propaganda in the Simpsons?

For the record this is nothing to do with the Catholic Homer and Bart thing. I was watching the Simpsons, Treehouse of Horror XVIII, and I saw the Heck House part. In it there is what seems to be a paroday of a fundamentalist Hell House, I'll admit it was both scary and funny. But I've noticed that it is full of religious propaganda, if you watch it you'll know. Even the ending gives it all away! Keep in mind I know that Treehouse of Horror episodes never affect the rest of the series, but the fact of the mattter is that FOX is making and spreading outright propaganda and it needs to be stopped!

What to wear on field trip?

hi my daughter is going to the porter science center tomorrow and she does not now what to wear please help oh and its going to be partly cloudy

XCW Episode 1! + Still chance to sign up - Who will be the next US Champ?

LMFAO at first you fell for my fake RB sign up.Anyways im not joining but i guess i vote for the real RB in his match.

When I was near death?

the journey I went through is beyond human comprehension, to a point it is difficult to explain what is that?


A constriction of the cell membrane at the equator of the cell that marks the beginning of cytokinesis of animal cells

What movie was based on the?

exorcism case of Robbie Mannheim - and her mother’s desperate attempts to win back her daughter through an exorcism conducted by two priests.

How do you trim the wick on a Zippo?

Pull the wick out just enough to get rid of the black and cut it off. There sould only be white wick showing when you cut. easy as hell.

How can I stop my cat from grooming constantly?

She grooms herself all the time. She then throws up fur everyday. I have tried all kinds of fur ball remedies, from foods to lubricants, to brushing her. She seems really content except for her OCD cleanliness.

Kitty Behavioral Problems?

Cats do that stuff all the time, I really don't think its a problem that deserves a one way trip to the shelter. You should ask your vet for some ideas they usually know what to do. Good luck.

I need some calc help?

A triangle has legs on the positive x- and y- axes, and its hypotenuse pases through the point (2,1). Which such triangle has the smallest area?

I'm petrified of gaining weight and feel sick after eating. I haven't eaten in 2 days now and still feel sick.?

I am a 24 y/o F 5 feet 7 inches and weight 210lbs. I have been dieting lately and recently I feel so nauseous and I almost vomit after each meal. It's making me want to voluntarily vomit after each meal so I don't feel so full. I don't want to eat. It's helping me lose weight which is great but I know its not healthy. Is making yourself vomit when you feel sick anywyas bad? Even fruit makes me sick. What should I do?

Do you like these baby names?

I love Audrey and I think it goes beautifully with Emma. For twin girls I would avoid using the same letter cause it will be confusing. I think Cheyenne and Shae goes really really well too!

Was Jack star Ryan Dunn under the influence in the car crash that took his life?

Reports say that It's unknown whether alcohol was involved in the catastrophe but authorities claim "Speed may have been a contributing factor," cops said. Late Sunday, however, Dunn tweeted a pic of himself drinking with pals.

Where can i find a good mage place, sensual and couple messages in Sacramento or near?

for less then greedy amount of money, I live in sacramento, so anywhere around here, Elk grove, Citrus hieghts Rancho Cordova

Is there really such an epidemic of elementary schoolers having with each other that they need condoms?

STD's at the middle school levels are considered to be at epidemic proportions. There are 9 and 10 year olds that are having babies. Actually, in m at least the std rates are lower then the national average. The whole thing is really about an uncapped age on the policy. The are not talking to the kids saying here you go but if a child goes to the nurse and request one, the nurse will then have a conversation with the child and then provide them with one.

How do i convert wma to mp3 for macbook?

There's a great shareware program called Goldwave that'll convert pretty much any format from one to another. I use it all the time.

Should I play football or basketball?

I'm in high school and I love football but my school doesn't have it I'm on the Bball team at my school now but I don't love it like football should I switch school's next year to play football or stick with Bball (at my college prep nerd school)

Nickname for Sienna..................?

Sienna is a beautiful name. I would suggest that there is no really good way to abbreviate it. Pronounce it out!

MY cousin proposed me!!!I'm sooo shocked!!!!!!What to do???????plzzzzzz help me?

My cousin has proposed me,he called me but then he said he hasn't the guts to tell me so he would send an sms and he proposed me in the sms,but it's not possible,in our religion cousins r like brothers and sisters and doing such thing is a sin.He says he always admired and loved me,since childhood as we r grown up together except whn i came to live in a foreign country where he has also come now.what to do?I?m so shocked.

Should I wait for him?

Cool it, just don't become too pushy, and take things a little easier. You may be inadvertently trying to push him into something he is not ready for. Try to spend time with others, and if he has feelings for you, he will feel he is risking losing you and make his choice. If he had similar feelings for you, you would know, and would not have to put yourself through this mental torture. You may have to look elsewhere for the love you seek, and put this one down to experience. Whatever happens, I wish you luck.

Holden SV6 Ute (VE Series)?

does anyone know how many speakers and what type of speakers the 2007 - 2008 Holden SV6 Ute has and what the mileage is per litre of fuel is? also if it is possible to fit a sub or two and any other useful tips would be greatly appreciated

Are you qualified to sing this song?

a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQlIhraqL7o" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQlIhraqL…/a TEE HEE!

Which 2nd year running back is going to have a breakout year this year?

Last year produced a good crop of talented rookie RBs. Do you think Reggie Bush still stands out above his fellow Sopres like Laurence Maroney, Joseph Addai, DeAngelo Williams, LenDale White, Wali Lundy, Maurice Drew, Brian Calhoun, Leon Washington, Frank Gore (this might be Gore's 3rd season).

Why do white people prefer white shelled eggs over brown shelled eggs?

I've never seen white shelled eggs in my supermarket so my eggs are always brown! I much prefer the dark meat in chicken because it has more flavour and is usually less dry and we eat brown bread/pasta/rice etc because its better for us! I prefer brown chocolate over white too and my best friend and my brother in law are brown! Although my children are white and they are the best children in the world so maybe I do think white is better!! lol

What questions must be asked to live a really good life?

The most important question is: How to become a person who fights for justice and for the rights of the downtrodden?

Journalism Writing Sample: How's This?

Well, it could use a few more details. All that proves is that you can rewrite a wire story, more or less. You probably need to show that you can be more original if you want to do freelance writing.

How is the spread of Buddhism an example of cultural diffusion?

I can only add that the same process took place in Tibet and the other Himalayan kingdoms, where Buddhism successfully merged with the pre-existing animist religion, the Bon Pa, and of course, this is now occuring here in the West. Through both literature and the Tibetan monks who were displaced by the Chinese Communists, we have received the dharma, and in order to absorb it fully, a vast transformation is happening. Our culture is sufficiently different from the Eastern tradition that this process requires more than reconciliation with Judeo-Christian teachings: barriers of language, values, and folkways are undergoing synthesis as well. This not confined to just Europe and the Western hemisphere, but also in Asia, as the "core" reacts to events on the periphery..

B/guitar processor in my pedal chain?

II 'm a b player. have a b processor and a guitar processor. They both sound great by themselves. But both of them sound thin, and coax a huge amount of feedback when I add them to my chain of effects on my pedal board. My effect are a (in order) a crybaby, an Aphex Punch Factory Compressor, and a Boss B EQ. Are processing pedals just not meant to be used in conjunction with other effects?

How can you keep up the over rates if you play 4 fast bowlers?

Well with four quick bowlers playing a slow over rate is always going to be possibility. But I doubt Australia will be fined considering they managed to bowl England out in 33.5 overs.

Friday, December 2, 2011

What can i do about my stress symptoms?

i didnt even realise i was stressed! its around ignmet/exam time ..i been stayn up and doing way more work than usual..but i thought it was all under control. i neva once thought that im gona fail or not get it done on time..i was well on track. but than i got all these symptoms such as chest pains and other pains in diffrent parts of my body, sometimes felt a bit dizzy and its a lil bit harder to breathe. i've had these symptoms for under a week..they seem to dissapear when im out and not think about it but when im at home they come back although they are not as bad as the first night i experienced them. i saw a doctor n he ran tests and said everything was functioning normally. so im guessing this might be stress right? how do i make those symptoms totally dissapear?

I need to a flight to Minneapolis for august 3rd but it needs to be under $300 ?

it can be from the San Francisco airport or the Oakland airport on august 3rd round trip to the Minneapolis international airport. i don't care about how many stops it has just if its cheap. The return date is August 8.

Do you support military men lying as Dont ask Don't tell does or repeal and tell the truth?

Right now the policy supports dishonesty. Most in military do not care if they serve with Gays. Most Americans are in favor or it being repealed. The Pentagon and the President as well as his Defense Secretary support repeal. Who is left favoring this dishonest policy?

I need help with my relationship, please no teenagers.?

I think you need to find a babysitter, and go out to town, or even a night at a hotel and rekindle the moments you had when you first started dating . You can also obviously try therapy, either by yourself or together. It def. seems you two are forgetting why you fell for each other.

Can direct tv get away with this?

Direct tv charged my wifes account $866 for an old account that was in my name. The reason they said they took the money out of her account is b/c the last payment on my account was made with her bank card. Can they do that? Her name was not on my account and my name is not on her bank account. I know when I sign a contract I allow them to do this and so on, but she never gave them permission to use her account. People help other people out all the time by paying a bill for them, imagine if this came back on you for helping someone. She is going to the bank in the morning to try to dispute it through them. She never gave authorization. What they did is looked up an old check and got the routing number, isnt't that fraud? To make things worse. Rent is due in 5 days and we are leaving for vegas in 8 days. Luckily I have great family members that are willing to help us out. Direct tv is not wanting to hear any of it. I googled alittle and found several others having problems with the as well. Sorry to rant and rave, but I just needed to vent b/c I have not had a smoke in 9 days and I felt like I was going to explode, but feel better now.... deep breaths....................10 points for best answer

Is my 91 Toyota Celica GT with a 2200 4cyl and 5 speed transmission a good car to tern into a tuner ?

ok so I had a 89 Mustang GT 5.0 hatchback really good car top speed 140-150 but my brother was going through a hard time so to be a good guy I traded it to his 91 Celica GT, I really miss the Mustang but I also love this Celica, it's a 91 Celica GT with a 2200 4 cyl and a 5 speed manual transmission, (it registers 120 mph) and( X1000 rpm registers up to 8 but it's in the red at 6.5 or 7, going 55-60 it's on the 3 going 80-95 it's on the 4). so anyways I want a good fast car again so instead of buying a new car I thought I would jest tune this one up but I've never owned a Celica before so I don't know if it's a good tuner or not. so dose the 1991 Toyota Celica GT with a 2200 4cyl and a 5 speed transmission make a good fast tuner car and if so what could I expect the Horsepower and top speed too be? and how would I do this?

What do you think about latin ?

What do you tink about latin ?? I learn latin at school and i like it alot ....maybe because i speak romanian, a language apropriate to latin ....so do u think it's a nice language ?

Hurt Arm?

I was playing soccer today when someone infront of me shot the ball hard, it hit me around the forarm/hand it hurt for a couple of minutes but then I forgot aobut it and went on playing. Now when I bend my arm it hurts at the elbow and the inner forearm. At the elbow I feel a twinge in a nerve I think and at the forearm it's more of a muscle soreness. What do you think could have happened? What do you suggest I do?

Anyone want better SEO for your website? ?

If you need better SEO for your website, email me at wicked_dreams_of_confusion@yahoo.com I won't try to charge you or anything.

I want to lose it?

My ex wanted me to lose my virginiyty but I said no. My nwew boyfriend lives in Ohio so what do i do I'm not ging to cheat and I'm not going to dunp him. I think I should just by a vibrator I won't lose my virginity but I guess I could see ho w it feels whatdo u think.

Making fake accounts for fun for facebook.. do u think this is okey?

Ok so im a teen and me and my friends find it fun to make up names and make fake accounts on facebook and put hilarious pics and add them as friends. We only do it within out group of friends. Do you think the chances of us getting caught doing this is high? As long as were not actually using someones real name or puting personal information up about that person?

Do you like thi ?s song?

Which song is the best?

which song is best secret valentine by we the kings,true to me by metro station,check yes juliet by we the kings,run to the hills by iron maiden,tnt by acdc,let there be rock by acdc,livin on a prayr by bon jovi,no more sorrow,hot n cold by katy perry,enter sandman by metalica,or all the songs i just named?tell me

Need help with mark twain quote!?

I think your teacher has gotten Twain's inference wrong. What Mr. T was referring to was don't get so wrapped up in book learning that you miss the lessons that life teaches us. Education is learning what others teach you. Schooling,as I believe Twain meant, is what we learn from our observations and interactions with others in life's diverse situations.

Did the president FINALLY keep a promise only because of a "shellacking" in the elections?

It was all a slight of hand, while everyone was jumping up and down, laughing and clapping thinking Obama had to give in, Think it over, the Other Hand was busy , spending , spending, spending, Stimulus in disguise, Oh what fools we mortals be, he wins for losing,

Question to Vikings fans?

They will probably give Joe Webb or Tavaris Jackson a shot. But i have said this over and over, I would trade up and get Ryan Mallett

Paintball need support?

i have just been ofered a field once aweek fifty quid a day for paintball we have our own guns is any one intrrsted shropshire

So which one do I choose????????????????????

so I have a boyfriend...I really really really like him a lot, but there is a nother guy who I also like a lot...my bf has been being a jack *** latly but i still like him a lot, but then this other guy is just great he is the nicest guy on earth...I like them both about equally so what do I do ....stick wit the bf or try it with the other guy?

Root lifter????????????????????????

you know the old series of the programme 'friends' the actors such as jenniffer aniston have amazingly uplifted hair it looks as though theyre wearing a wig except theyre not. its probably some sort of rootlifter.. anyone know how to get your hair like that

I saw Don Cheadle wearing black gloves in Reign Over Me and thought why doesn't OJ Simpson make a movie?

He's already made a book and there's that recording out there of him breaking into the hotel room with a gun. So, I'm thinking, while he's out on bail, he should quickly make a movie about his life. Maybe a good title would be "The Wife and Crimes of OJ Simpson"? Or how about "My Semi Auto-matic, er Autobiography"?

Do the Israelis want a two state solution?

I am writing an editorial for school and I wrote about why the Israelis are against the two state solution. Is this correct? The answers I get online are kind of vague.

Painting my own bumper...?

paint and body question.... i am painting my own plastic bumper..just chips and scratches...do i put on the adhesive promoter before or after primer

Adding clips to non-clip hair extensions?

u can sew them in or u can hot glue them i did the same thing ecause it was cheaper to buy the tracks

Which digital camera should I buy? Where to shop for one?

In my opinion, the best kind of digital camera would be one like mine, and that is a Samsung, it has maybe 8 different settings, it takes b & w or color photos. You can find one at your nearest Walmarts.

MFS: Thoughts that Andr�s Guardado could possible go to the EPL?

Yesss I always wanted him to go EPL he's my fav player but he deserves to be in a good club not down with Ashton villa,Sunderland or Bolton.

English mastiff i need to find out how to get one?

i need to find out where to buy an english mastiff or where the breeder is or location of one is thanks.

Need some Rock N Roll songs!!?

well you might like van halen they did hot for teacher there is black sabbath, twisted sister maybe rolling stones led zeppelin guns n roses nazareth bands like that oh and acdc

Do I have a right to be mad at my fwb? I yelled at him?

Not at all. The F in fwb does NOT stand for feelings! It sounds like you let your emotions get involved since you are upset that he ignored you. Your yelling at him tells him that you care and you're catching feelings. You can't expect boyfriend-like behavior from him if yall are just benefitting..and vise versa.

Please help me..on this urgant culd i be pregant or not?

if your have had unprotected then you could be pregnant simple as.. but at a guess your not because you have had a period .. periods can be irregular

What are the drawbacks to voting for casino slots in my state?

the drawbacks are this, u are voting for slots. lol slot machines are the worst bet in any casino. Sure u could win money but not likely. We have this in our saratoga racino as they call it and soo many people just like to give their money away. Its bad gambling at least witht the regular gaming tables u arent as much of a dog to win as u are at slots.

Do you really need spousal consent for a vasectomy/tubal?

As far as I know it's not required because it's your body, and it's one of those things that will probably never change because of that sole reason, but the reasoning behind it is fair. Don't screw your partner over, talk to them. (I know I used "you" a lot in that; whether the questions was personal or not I meant it in a general manner)

Ancient greek translation of ''Love Solves Everything''?

I'm planning an awesome tattoo of the Greek mythology character Medea: the perfect example of how love can make you turn crazy and I wanted to add the sentence ''Love solves everything'' as somehow an ironical poetic joke. Unfortunately ancient Greek translators I had found doesn't show how to conjugate ''solves'' properly.

Christian ladies, do you lie to your husbands the way my wife just lied to me? Be honest...?

??? Ummm, No I don't lie to my husband he knows everything I think/feel good or bad and the things I do :) We go grocery shopping together. I don't do my nails. :)))

Starting my CCNA,CCNP ??? (Cisco Certified Network ociate )?

we provide IT exam discuss platform. there you can Post your questions and also can solve the problems for others.if you are interested in this,please like my page a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Free-It-certification-exam-Real-QAs-such-as-ccna-mcse-comptia/159996837383933" rel="nofollow"http://www.facebook.com/pages/Free-It-ce…/a if you like it,u will share many free it certification exam questions.

Windows Movie Maker - help splitting audio clips please!?

You have to save the project in MSWMM. That's just the way the program remembers where everything is and what you've done with it. When you are finished the project, you will save it in whatever format suits you.

I uploaded my videos from my camera phone onto my laptop and now its not playing right. Help?

I tried playing these videos on WMA and other sorts of players like that. Do i need to install or download a specific program to play it?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Am I going to jail? (MISDEMEANOR AULT)?

You're not going to jail on a 1st offence misdemenor ault, not to worry. Make sure your witnesses are their in court for you. Don't settle for a plea agreement other than J-walking. Your Attorney should be able to show that the other guys witnesses are bogus.

Do you think doc will sign me off?

I have had an Ectopic Pregnancy and two Miscarriages. When I get a positive pregnancy test I call the Dr's office and they immediately schedule me for a blood test, the same day, and repeat it every 48 hours until the level reaches 20,000 and they then perform an U/s. You should be able to continue work, they will just keep a close eye on you and give you a list of things to watch out for- bleeding, cramping, etc.

Identify the "Rules for Ghosts" in Act 1 of Hamlet?

Okay so I just finished reading the first Act of Hamlet and I have this question for homework. I understand what happened but Im confused with what this means. Would the answer be "The ghost tells Hamlet the secret of his father's death. Hamlet's father was not killed by a serpent, but was murdered with poison. He also told hamlet that it was his uncle who murdered his father, and that he also seduced Gertrude, his mother. The ghost then tells Hamlet to avenge his father's death but to leave his mother alone" ?

Who went to theMiley Cyrus/hannah montana best of both worlds tour in Grand Rapids MI?

I did and I had First row and Got to touch her hand (I neva washed it) and Im Miley C.'s BIGGEST fan eva!!!

Know a good tattoo artist specializing in covering scars and stretchmarks in the Philadelphia area? Please hel

Hmm i personally dont know of any, but perhaps you could go to any tattoos shop and ask if any of the artist specialize in cover ups. Once I was getting some work done and a black girl came in and asked if anyone there did cover ups and surely someone did. Its probably your best bet. Good Luck.

God is dead and no one cares! Is this true?

I disagree with this. God is not Dead. He is very alive and well. It is easier for some people to condone their way of living by saying God is dead so it doesn't matter about His laws anymore. But that is deception.

Still unsure of baby name?

Not at all! I was due four days ago and my husband and I still haven't thought of a name that we both agree on...With my first child we thought of a name before we even knew we were pregnant so it was never an issue. This baby has been more difficult. We thought we had agreed and then changed our minds...so I'm actually farther behind than you! Good luck...hope you decide...

Does this make sense in spanish?

Felicitaciones en tu plea�os!!! lo siento que no estoy all� para ayudar celebrar su d�a especial pero tenga un d�a maravilloso :)

Physical Chemistry Questions! Helppppp GLOBAL WARMING QUESTION?

I know that my answer doesn't help much but think about all the facts and do not accept the socialist propaganda your school is shoving down your throat. Global Warming is a trojan horse for Socialism, wake up Americans. Global warming is at the fore front because politicians found how to use a new platform to get re-elected. The world leaders use it because they found ways to make money at it. This is a made up problem just like Global Cooling in the 1970's. Wake up people. I agree we need to be more efficient with our resources, and we should fine and jail companies who are dumping into our rivers maliciously. I want to stop the raiforest destruction, but to say that global warming is a serious man made issue and we need to destroy the American economy and bow down to the rest of the world certainly does not float my boat. Follow the money on this one and you will see that it is all for political gain and grant money for those scientists who profit off of the government if global warming stays at the front of the issues. Look deep into the Keoto (sp?) Treaty, first of all they took jets to a non-central resort location. Not very environmentally concious. THen in the parameters of the treaty they have a clause that makes it so you can buy or sell polution credits. This is all about shifting wealth and breaking down the United States. This is painfully obvious, just look at peoples agenda. The earth's mean temperature has risen .6 degrees C in the past 125 years. Greenland's icecaps have gotten colder in the past 10 years. The Scientists who do not gain anything on their posisition will tell you that the earth has a natural progression and this is what we are seeing. The UN report is made up of POLITICIANS not a good spread of scientists. THere are as many or more scientists who believe that man in NOT the reason and it is over hyped, but their voice is not heard in the LIberal Mainstream Media. This issue is 99% political, and an attempt to make the USA a socialist nation, and eventually communisim. WAKE UP AMERICA, IT IS TIME TO BE AMERICANS. FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. STOP THE LIES.

Being that I either wanted Obama or Hillary to win, is it wrong to wish McCain would have won out of spite?

How much longer would average Americans accept an 8 trillion dollar debt. No telling how much worse it would be if McCain got elected considering he voted with Bush 99% of the time. I say burn baby burn, until pure chaos ensues. More wars all over the word, no longer a middle cl, only super rich people and very dirt poor people. Republicans depend on poor people, and for whatever reason, poor people don't want to be empowered, because they are too busy trying to climb up the rich mans ladder supposedly. The have's and have not's is a poor model, soon it would have only been Those that have, and those that can only dream of having. Republicans don't spend on education, and republicans don't concentrate on consumer protection. I wanted the republican foot so far up people's that they would puke out their $1000 dollar shoes.

While playing Bingo, a group of younger people, early 20's come in and horse around, how can I make them stop

Every place that condutc Bingo has a set of guidelines. If these guidelines are broke those people who broke them should not be allowed back in. My Mom calls VFW Bingo and that is how it is there.

Are aquatic hermit only found in salt-water types?

I know there are land hermits and aquatic hermits...but is there such a thing as a fresh-water aquatic hermit that can live totally submerged on a prolonged basis?

How can I start this ? ....?

Picture the wide open spanse of the virgin ice and snow. Penquins gathering on the shore while birds soar overhead. Now picture it tered with makeshift housing, vehicles, and refuse.

Why does my guinea pig freak out when i scratch its back leg?

I just noticed the guinea pig we're looking after jumps away whenever i pet around its back leg and I don't know whether it's just ticklish or something else.

How do I rust a rock???

I'm doing an experiment where I need to cause the iron contained in a granite rock to rust. What can I do to optimize the probability of causing rust as quickly as possible?

How many of you now think that Manmohan Sing is reliable any more?

I dont find backdoor pms reliable ever. They are always cut off from the grroot. It is absolutely correct that the common man is suffering. But a fairy tale of growth is being created by a nexus of politicians, media and some foreign hands to fool the people.. And public is bearing the burden of the inexpertise and indifference of the govt. with this day dream that India will soon become a developed nation and a very powerful nation while our guys are getting killed in Australia, China & Pakistan are making us a laughing stock , regionalism is threatening India's unity and Kashmir remained permanent embarrasment. Marx said religion is the opium of the people but in today's India, media & congress created growth fairy tale is the new opium of the people. At one time people used to suffer silently thinking one day God will make everything allright. Today Indians suffer meekly thinking one day India will become a developed nation and all their problems will be solved.

Thiss isntt funny! i missed my period for 2 months !! HELPP?

I say talk to your mom hopefullt she'll understand. Maybe she'll know yy that is happeneing You can also go to a docter. Good luck!!!! Hope i helped!!!!

NBA Hall of Fame 2011?

Mullin and Sampson could make it more for their college career than NBA. But why was Reggie Miller left off the final vote? He's better than any of the ones who made it. And Don Nelson is a better coach than Al Attles or Motta. Strange!

So for all you teens out there... I have a tattoo age crisis?

That's something you need to talk to your parents about. Sure they said you have permission to when you're older but how old are they thinking? How old are you now? I'd say if they're already ok with the idea then ask if you could get it for your 15th birthday present. See how they feel about that.

How often should one run/jog and at what times?

Is it okay to run everyday as long as you feel like you can do it? And also, is it okay to run in the after noon, evening or morning times? Are any of them okay, or is one better than the other (at helping to keep oneself fit).

A question about separation of church and state?

Nowadays many people consider it poor taste to do so; however, nothing in the US Constitution specifically prohibits anyone holding office from bringing their religious teachings with them in forming their opinions. There is no conflict of interest.

Taxable part of an annuity withdraw?

About 10 years ago I took out an regular variable annuity. I deposited $100,000.00 in it.. I let it ride until 2008 and started to make with drawls from it. In 2008 I with drew $72,000. The balance after the withdraw was 135,000. Now I thought the rule was "Last in first out", so all of the $72,000 would be taxable. Now in 2009 I with drawl the rest of the $135.000. Would I be correct in thinking that only $35,000 would be taxable and the Last $100,000 would be a return of cost (deposit, premium), and would be tax free?

My right eye is itching, blurred vision, sensitive to light and swollen and dry skin around eye what is this?

I have been to the ophthalmologist several times. She said at first allergies. Then she said eye infection caused by allergies. Then she said floppy eyelid syndrome. I don't know what to believe or what is going on. Does anybody else have the same symptoms, that can help me. I have itching eyes all day that just started only some months ago. Then my skin around my eye got dry rash about five flat bumps. I can't help to rub it itch. Then sensitive to light and my eye swells. Help the dr didn't it still itch.

If he ain't GOD on the basketball court....then why is he worshipped?

kobe's a great player but they will always be a "but" after you start talking about his game.... after that season thats when ppl started thinking he's a selfish player and a bad teammate.

TNA Wrestling: Who wants to see...?

I'd rather see a Scott Steiner vs. Booker T Match when Scott Steiner returns from injury. Mick Foley and Abyss vs. Team 3-D would be interesting.

Why are fraternities called "Greek life"?

The names of North American fraternities and sororities generally consist of two or three Greek letters, often the initials of a Greek motto. For this reason, fraternities and sororities are often referred to as "Greek."

Discomfort during lately?

For the past week or so my boyfriend and I have hardly been able to have because I keep getting this bad stinging sensation on the left outer part of my . I'm pretty sure I don't have a UTI because I haven't had any problems urinating and neither of us have an STD. We have been using a new lubricant though and we use plenty of it. Is it possible that I may have an infection? Any input would be helpful. Thanks :)

How to approach a girl in the library?

Just say something causal .. and take it slowly from there and then conversation will speed up in time... and you get to know each other a little and she may want to give you her number take it slow.. Good luck.

If my newborn is around someone with shingles what can happen?

I got shingles a week after my son was born. Nothing happened to him but I made sure not to touch them and if I did scartch them I washed my hands (immediatly) The doctors weren't concerned they said he still had my immune system so he probably wouldn't get chicken pox (the shingles is old chicken pox coming up to the surface along your nerves, someone who hasn't had the chicken pox could get it if they're in contact with the "puss" from the blisters) In fact I could still nurse even when they went around my shoulder and right over my . Let the person know that they should take the medicine... If not they will have it longer and and it will hurt longer. Good luck to you