Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Does this guy like me?? Or am i just over reacting?

ok so there's this guy he's really cute. everytime i see him he's always showing off on his bike!! He even asked people to move so he can show off. My aunt asked him when he was showing off if i'm his girlfriend like 3 times!! i was there standing all red. luckily it was night time. and once i was talking to my brother and i asked him about my guy friend. and the cute guy asked if he's my bf and i told him maybe maybe not :P and then he started talking about his exgirlfriend that he made out with her... yaa that's weird!! and whenever his friends ask me how old i am they mention him. they think that im the right age for him. because they're like ooo and they say his name. in the beg. when i met him he was really mean to me and then he got so nice to me. he's always outside and hangs out with me when i'm there where he lives. this guy is 2 years older than me and i dont see him much because he doesn't live by me. i haven't seen him in 7 months!! does he like me or not?? idk!!

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