Thursday, December 1, 2011

Being that I either wanted Obama or Hillary to win, is it wrong to wish McCain would have won out of spite?

How much longer would average Americans accept an 8 trillion dollar debt. No telling how much worse it would be if McCain got elected considering he voted with Bush 99% of the time. I say burn baby burn, until pure chaos ensues. More wars all over the word, no longer a middle cl, only super rich people and very dirt poor people. Republicans depend on poor people, and for whatever reason, poor people don't want to be empowered, because they are too busy trying to climb up the rich mans ladder supposedly. The have's and have not's is a poor model, soon it would have only been Those that have, and those that can only dream of having. Republicans don't spend on education, and republicans don't concentrate on consumer protection. I wanted the republican foot so far up people's that they would puke out their $1000 dollar shoes.

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