Friday, December 2, 2011

What can i do about my stress symptoms?

i didnt even realise i was stressed! its around ignmet/exam time ..i been stayn up and doing way more work than usual..but i thought it was all under control. i neva once thought that im gona fail or not get it done on time..i was well on track. but than i got all these symptoms such as chest pains and other pains in diffrent parts of my body, sometimes felt a bit dizzy and its a lil bit harder to breathe. i've had these symptoms for under a week..they seem to dissapear when im out and not think about it but when im at home they come back although they are not as bad as the first night i experienced them. i saw a doctor n he ran tests and said everything was functioning normally. so im guessing this might be stress right? how do i make those symptoms totally dissapear?

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