Thursday, December 1, 2011

How many of you now think that Manmohan Sing is reliable any more?

I dont find backdoor pms reliable ever. They are always cut off from the grroot. It is absolutely correct that the common man is suffering. But a fairy tale of growth is being created by a nexus of politicians, media and some foreign hands to fool the people.. And public is bearing the burden of the inexpertise and indifference of the govt. with this day dream that India will soon become a developed nation and a very powerful nation while our guys are getting killed in Australia, China & Pakistan are making us a laughing stock , regionalism is threatening India's unity and Kashmir remained permanent embarrasment. Marx said religion is the opium of the people but in today's India, media & congress created growth fairy tale is the new opium of the people. At one time people used to suffer silently thinking one day God will make everything allright. Today Indians suffer meekly thinking one day India will become a developed nation and all their problems will be solved.

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