Sunday, December 4, 2011

Am I being unreasonble?

I am sick with cancer and my mom is here taking care of me. My wife has never been much of a houswife. She just recently started taking care of her own kids. My wife is more a career woman than a homebody. She tries but she just doesn't fit the bill. My mom runs circles around her in the cleaning cooking and pampering department. She is more attentive to my needs. She is available for me 24/7. For example. One night at 2am I nudged my wife awake to aske her to bring me a gl of water. I have a terminal illness and am bedridden so I can't do these things for myself. She gets up with an attitude and brings it. I don't have to worry about that with my mom. She does everything I ask with a smile. My wife quit her job and stopped going to school she says to take care of me, but, she doesn't do half the things my mother does. My mom wants to leave and go back down south because my insecure wife doesn't want her around. I know I will not recieve the care I have been getting once my mom goes

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