Wednesday, November 30, 2011

What did I do wrong? Does he not like me anymore? 10 pts?

I've been dating this guy since October. He says he likes me and I like hinm also. I've been trying to have the talk with him about making our relationship official. He seems to be against it so I always chicken out when I see him. I really want to make this work but why would we be going out on dates and only talking to each other and noone else but were not boyfriend and girlfriend. I just want to be able to claim him as mine so other girls can back off. I know that they flirt with him and it wouldnt bother me if we were in a committed relationship. I tried changing my facebook status to in a relationship. He asked me about it and said that he was hoping that I changed it for us but i noticed he never changed his. He's also stopped texting or calling me. If I were to ever want to talk to him, I would have to call or text him. It really makes me insecure because my ex boyfriend made it seem like we were in a relationship but it was a whole nother story whenever he was online. I've been cheated on before and im wondering if, he doesnt want to be in a relationship with me so he could date other people. I also refuse to have with him until were in a relationship but he doesnt know that. Im confused and i've deativated my facebook acoount and is about to turn my cell phone off. If its harder to get intouch with me then maybe he will work to get me back. I dont know, I just feel really insecure right now and he wont talk to me about it.

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