Monday, November 28, 2011

People,don t you think computers and those that control the computer are limiting our evolution?

We have this big thing called the internet,there we can search for our full history,yet kids today know less more about history,or grammar,or literature or being sociable.Sport teams requires no longer working as a team but everyone looks to prove themselves and they forget about the game,the spirit of the game,today is now getting the big check and that s changing considering americans and other population starts to use the card for payment.I have a 15 year old neighbour that was straight A since last year,now he did not p grammar,sport and literature,but he is a pro at science and math,last year he started to have his first i pad or pod...15 year old using an i pad or pod,and he is dumber and deserted his friends his age.Computers are much more violent and needed since 20 year earlier,human interaction and sociology and human resources have been reduced,so my question for all of you computer worshipers,how is this better?or what are the down sides,for you cant make something that sustains better forever right?Thank you!

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