Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How do I get him to leave me alone?

There is this guy that I met at school through a friend. He seemed cool until I gave him my number, because then he started hitting on me. I jokingly told him to dye his hair blue, and he ACTUALLY did it. He constantly texts me, telling me he will treat me like the "Queen of all queens", and he kept using lines from a scene I was in for drama about a guy professing his love for me, when he wasn't even in the scene, he was just watching us practice.He persistently asked me to hang out between cles. I told him repeatedly that I was not interested but he just does not seem to understand. Please help me.

How can I profit from the invention of a new alcoholic drink?

Tonight, I came up with a new drink. There are certain drinks like a Long Island Ice Tea or a Malibu Bay Breeze, etc... that many people are familiar with that give you a buzz and have a distinct recognizable taste. Tonight, I came up with one and tested it. I had two and am very buzzed and feel good. I got frisky with my man and we enjoyed it. I feel there can be a market for the drink I concocted. How do I go about marketing and profiting from this innovation?

Where can I find paper/aluminum foil sheeting that goes behind the drywall of my bathroom?

In tearing down the drywall because it had gotten soaked due to a water pipe leak behind the drywall, I found that a sheet of paper/aluminum foil was installed behind the drywall. I'm uming that this sheet was originally installed as some kind of a barrier to the outside concrete block wall that it covers. Now that I have to replace the wet drywall, I tried to find out where to purchase this sheeting to no avail. Home Depot or Loews do not carry it. Is there anything else I can use, instead?

What should I get For Christmas 2010?

I am a 14 year old girl and am curious as to what i should get this year for Christmas. I already have; an ipod touch, iPad, laptop, iHome, I want an iPhone 4 but my dad says no so that is out of the question. I also have a Straightener, curling iron, etc. I like electronics and am thinking of getting the new iPod touch 4. If you guys have any other suggestions on the newest electronics or anything that is listed please comment! If it is expensive don't worry just list away so I can get to Brainstorming! Thanks.

What do you think is the cause of me not having my period yet?

Birth control sometimes if not taken as it says can cause late or mmissed periods. Also, can throw off you period as well. Id say wait till you actuakky miss your period before you geet a test bc stree can delay it at times as well.

What's Your Blood Type?

I am type A, and i must say that only about 3 of the character traits for what you have put for this blood type actually fit with my personality (mild mannered, indecisive, and deeply moved)...

Ive just found 3 dead babies in my binnies hutch, help!?

i would give her a couple hours, but i dont think you will have anymore kits coming out. normally the first litter is smaller, mines first litter was only 4, and i have heard of less litters. its a shame they froze.. how sad. i would put them into a box and bury them. if you dont want another litter you need to separate the buck from the doe, or have them fixed. if not, she will get pregnant again. next time might be better... but could be the same thing.. you cant really tell if a mother will be good or not till she has them.

Polk db6501 Component Speakers vs. Focal 165 VB Component Speakers?

Has anyone heard the Focal 165 VB Polygl yet ? I had the Polk db6501 before and they sounded great, but I just wondered if these Focals would sound even better.

What do i need to do to tone/tighten /thighs area w/o losing weight?

I am 5'5 and weigh 108 lbs so for my height I'm underweight but I feel really good just how I am and have no interest in gaining or losing any weight! However, I would like to have a firmer , and to tone and tighten my thighs! So what kind of exercises regimen do I need to have?? I'm unsure of wether I should do cardio or how often because I don't want to lose any weight. Or if I should just do lower strength exercises and how often??? HELP PLEASEE

What Should I Get a PSP or a Nintendo DS Lite?

I want to know what would keep me busy longer a Nintendo DS or a PSP? I'm going on a very long car trip and need a handheld videogame so I don't get bored. I don't care about price, and I know what they both cost. I always carry a Ipod with me. I'm 14 and i'm going on a really long car ride and need a handheld to play with on the trip. I need something where I can play 5 hours on. Also, I was wondering if movies cost money. Probably. But, I wouldn't like watching movies on that little screen. Anyway, I like exiting, action games. Also, for my 11 year old little brother what should I get PSP or DS? The main thing, what would be more intertaining and keep me busy for longer.

Afc south?????????? who will win it?

My other Titans fans and my hated texans and Jaguar fans. DOWN WITH THE COLTS. One of are 3 teams will win AFC South lol.

My fellow Christians: how would you answer this question?

Well prayer is talking to God and Haveing Fellowship with Him. its also a form of worshipping Him. You know pray and God will talk to there maybe. buts its very important cause its having fellowship with God. also the bible says that You have not cause you ask Not. so if you dont pray about something you wont get it.

What is the solute molecule that is most likely soluble in water?

1. Water is a polar molecule and the most likely solute must also be polar. No matter whether it is charged or not.

Jealousy problems with my girlfriends guy best friend?

Hey, I'm 15, my girlfriend is 14. We've been going out for 15 months yesterday.. We're long distance so it makes things kinda hard..(btw please don't say long distance relationships never work cause that's not true) Her best friend is a guy and it makes me a little insecure.. He has made moves on her before in the past while we were together like once he kissed her cheek.. And he hugged her from behind a couple times.. You know just like boyfriend stuff.. And actually he recently told her he was about to ask her out( he also has asked her out before but she REJECTED him) but I got to her first.. And his mom told my girlfriends mom he still likes her?? And his relationship status on facebook is "Its complicated".. Like is that status bout my girlfriend? It's just really weird and she sees him a lot since they both do gymnastics which makes me feel worse.. It makes me depressed a lot and I'm always depressed whenever I hear they're texting, talking, or hanging out and I kow it's not fair to her.. I need some advice on how to cope with this.. Thanks for taking the time to read this. Any advice is useful. Thanks :) Also, I don't think cheating is the case.. Like every night before bed, we probably spend about 10 minutes on the phone telling each other how much we love them and would never wanna hurt the other and never would and we tell each other all these things like that we'll be together forever and stuff.. Anyone with a heart couldn't do that every night and then go cheat on em like that with no guilt whatsoever.. And also, she's not discreet about her hanging out with him either which also makes me believe she's being loyal.. I just wanna learn how to COPE with this.. Obviously, it's him thats the problem and can't let go of her.. Hell, I wouldn't let go of her either.. She's a really great girlfriend though and she goes out of her way so much to just talk to me.. Cheating isn't the case here.

Has anybody noticed that some Japanese Anime characters look like Mexicans?

Yes, they look like everything but Japanese or pure Asian. Their skin tone isn't even shown to be tanned or anything but very fair. These anime's . I don't know "what" they are supposed to resemble.

What did I do wrong? Does he not like me anymore? 10 pts?

I've been dating this guy since October. He says he likes me and I like hinm also. I've been trying to have the talk with him about making our relationship official. He seems to be against it so I always chicken out when I see him. I really want to make this work but why would we be going out on dates and only talking to each other and noone else but were not boyfriend and girlfriend. I just want to be able to claim him as mine so other girls can back off. I know that they flirt with him and it wouldnt bother me if we were in a committed relationship. I tried changing my facebook status to in a relationship. He asked me about it and said that he was hoping that I changed it for us but i noticed he never changed his. He's also stopped texting or calling me. If I were to ever want to talk to him, I would have to call or text him. It really makes me insecure because my ex boyfriend made it seem like we were in a relationship but it was a whole nother story whenever he was online. I've been cheated on before and im wondering if, he doesnt want to be in a relationship with me so he could date other people. I also refuse to have with him until were in a relationship but he doesnt know that. Im confused and i've deativated my facebook acoount and is about to turn my cell phone off. If its harder to get intouch with me then maybe he will work to get me back. I dont know, I just feel really insecure right now and he wont talk to me about it.

What is a weird talent you have?

i can make my eyes go in different directions while speaking spanish and riding my i was bored one day so i tried it:]]]



Did Jesus commit a logical fallacy?

I understand the joke, and the allusion to the Begging the question fallacy. I didn't laugh, but I can at least, to some degree, appreciate your creativity. That being said, Jesus was perfect, so he never would have committed a faux pas in logic. Leave that to the realm of mortals.

I work in Georgia from 8am-5pm. Legally, am I entitled to lunch and short breaks? ?

My boss is claiming that I am not allowed to take short breaks during the work day and I want to know what the legality is behind breaks during a 9 hour work day. Also, what web sites can I go on to find out more about Georgia's labor laws?

Which network drive is best for automatic nightly backups?

Looking to backup data nightly in the event of a crash. Which network drive is best for automatic nightly backups?

Anyone approved for S.S.I. after 2 yr wait- 2 denials & then had a hearing with a judge (with an atty.?)?

I'm in the state of Oregon. My hearing was 3-10-10. My lawyer said that he thought the hearing went as well as possible. How long does it take: the judge to give his decision, be notified of approval, and after that - how long does it take to receive the first installment of the back payments I'm owed?

Should i buy this 22" monitor?

i got a samsung 22" hdtv and its great amazing picture. that one looks good i would buy it got mine at bestbuy, you could check there for that one or electronics express might have it. hope this helps

Hey rate my fantasy football team??

your team is okay....... No one to me stands out in your wr area even though it is good, i dont like benard because of the rex grossman

How long does suicide by carbon monoxide take, with modern exhausts and is it true before death you would?

i have no idea... watch the movie.. 'the unsaid'... the boy who commits suicide choices this method.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

X-23 vs GhostRider?

Ghost rider for sure--mostly because G.R. never gets tried and doesn't have to breath---2 weaknesses that can be exploited...Also she has to be totally close to her target whereas Ghostie can attack at a distance.

Why was this debt taken out of collections?

About 6 months ago, my Fiance and I were trying to buy a car. We were approved for a loan... WITH A 17.9% INTEREST RATE!!! It turns out I had a college loan that had gone into collections. After recieving numerous calls from the collection agency, i was applying to have the loan consolidated with another loan I had for school. When i called the agency about a month ago, they said that the debt was no longer in collections and had no further information. What happens when a debt is taken OUT of collections?

Where are some good places to go tripod shopping (for DSLR)?

I understand that you aren't necessarily looking online but finding a tripod and comparing the different tripods could be to your benefit. Here is a section of a site for you to look at Beyond tripods you can visit the site for other photography equipment.

Na....New Yorkers arent rude....!!?

New Yorkers aren't rude, their straightforward which can be mistaken as being rude. It's a big city with millions of people, you have to be pushy and it can get tiresome to be nice to everyone as there is always people in your face. Also, if you notice cashiers in NY are fast!!! No convo, they ring you up fast. If you go to a smaller town, they chit chat a-lot:) Just my observation, I spend tons of time in NYC and notice a huge difference when I come back home.

What could be causing my dog to puke?

Because of what happened to her brother I would call the vet and get her in as an emergency patient. Then they won't make you wait two weeks. Be sure to tell the vet in detail the problems her brother had and that the dog died suddenly from them. It will greatly ist in a diagnosis.

How can I make a homemade wind chime?

I am a teacher making a wind chime as a clroom project. I want to add pictures in it but have no idea how to go about doing this. Any ideas??

Where can an amateur sports club receive pro bono legal help regarding being wrongly expelled from competition?

After 67 continuous years our Rugby Union club is being kicked out based on supposedly finishing last in a points criteria where clubs receive points for things like having a fence around a council allocated ground or having "properly" attired touch judges.We can prove we did not finish last and the whole system is fundamentally flawed and can never be truly balanced for all clubs.However it is looking increasingly like we will need legal advice or representation to resolve the issue.Being a non profit amateur club we cannot afford much at all but feel we have been harshly treated and would like justice to prevail.

How to cite an embedded quote when there is no author?

I am citing the Encyclopedia Britannica, and the article I'm using has no author. Conventionally, after a quote, you cite the source, such as (ens 12). But if there's no author, what do I do.

Which is better: honda/acura or toyota/scion?

Scion is a very low quality car from Toyota; they don't compare to the quality, fuel efficiency, and dependability of an Acura. Check out this site for reviews on many autos, hope this helps; you may find something outside what you were thinking of and get the car of your dreams.

What equipment would you recommened for a Paranormal Investigation Team that is just starting out.............?

Some of the things that Red heron said but you also need a voice recorder, for EVP's (and lots and lots of FLIR camaras along with regualr camaras

Phoenix Wright Wii wiiware?

If you haven't played the DS Ace Attorney games, I'd say definitely get it. I've recommended it to friends and most who picked it up enjoyed it. My friends that didn't like the game were seemed to be those that don't play video games for an entertaining story.

Galls, if u were pregnant, and didn't want the child, would u abort or adopt it out?

Adopt, because my brother was adopted and if his mother decided to abort I wouldn't have a brother.. and that would be sad.

What fun stuff can you do in San Fransisco in only one day?

There is so much to do by the wharf. Once you get down there you'll see. If you hae never been to a Rainforest Cafe that is where you should go. Look it up online. That's my favorite place. At the wharf there is The hard Rock. On peir 33 there a a nice but cheap reasturant called the erfly. I highly reccomend that place. I say for lunch you just go on the peir and get a clam chowder bowl. Those are very popular. If you hae never been to a Rainforest Cafe that is where you should go. Look it up online. That's my favorite place. Have fun.

So I want to get a turtle, but which one should I get?

I want one that wont get over 10 inches, I want it to be semi aquatic so it'll stay mostly on land. And I also don't want an expensive one. Can I keep them together with my hermit crab?

Catholics, What is the Vatican's Current stand on The Hell Fire Teaching?

Catholicism teaches today(& perhaps always did teach)that the true torture of Hell is the Eternal Banishment from the Presence Of Our Heavenly Father.

Why is it ,that guys clean wax their car like there's no tomorrow?

i always see guys cleaning their car waxing washing ...all into the car...if guys where like that with there girlfriends...(always attentive) there wouldn't be so many break ups...girls do you agree?


she probably likes you either that or she just wants to be friends. but most of they time that is called FLIRTING unless that girl u like is messed up. you should ask her to homecoming girls LOVE to get asked out to dances now they wont have to be worried about other girls and their dates so just ask her to homecoming. :)

Is it safe to transfer Fat tissue from a sibling to yourself?

I was thinking about getting a enhancement, BUT I'm trying to avoid implants. And I don't have enough Fat in my body to do so. I'm petite. In the other hand one of my sisters is big and was just wondering since it will benefit both of us =0)

Just How Dangerous IS a Hurricane anyway?

it's not the hurricane that is dangerouse.. its the winds, the tornadoes it can produce and the rain it produces.. the hurricane is a body of cloads and weather that when mixed with another type of weather produces harmful things.

Is it illegal to not pay someone overtime when they work over 8 hours?

You are owed 90 minutes of overtime if you are in the US. That is it. You don't get paid for overtime twice. I am uming that you meant you worked 81.5 hours over the course of two weeks.

Conservatives are ANTI-AMERICAN, not Liberals?

The war in Iraq and tax cuts for Republicans has made America trillions of dollars in debt to China. If Republicans continue to hold office, America will be extinct as we know it. Republicans will continue to aculate a large deficit to fund pointless wars and will become so far in the hole that they will not be able to pay back China. In the next 50 years, China will decide to invade and occupy our country. You watch, you stinkin' Conservatives! You are the ones who are anti-patriotic and leading to the demise of this country! If conservatives really cared about our "national security", they would stop supporting Bush! Vote Democrat 2008 or our kids will have to speak Chinese when China invades in 50 years!!!

Which do you perfer; Quiznos or Subway?

I've never had a Quiznos sub but I hear they are 100 times better than Subway subs. Do you agree? And which sub would you recommend I try first. Keep in mine, I don't like meatball subs...

For any Big 12 or SEC team with Title hopes, Penn St.....?

Penn State is a nuisance if they go undefeated in the weak Big 10 conference because if they go undefeated they will be in the title game and a Big 10 team will get demolished again, and they will be taking the spot of some 1 loss SEC or Big 12 team. We must hope Penn St. loses at least one game, so the BCS championship would be the SEC winner against the Big 12 winner like it should be. Wisconsin might beat them today and later Ohio State might beat them. I don't know what will happen to USC if they finish with only 1 loss. Their schedule is pretty easy so they dont' belong in the BCS title game in my opinion. So all I want to say is "Down with Penn State and USC"

Does the hood respect lupe fiasco as an artist, and is he the "nerd" version of lil wayne??

Lupe Fiasco lyrics are worth listening to. His words are so deep and he has meaningful things to say. As for lil wayne, he raps like an elementary student. He need to upgrade his sentences. Nobody wants to hear stuff like" I got more plaques than tarter" or " and if she make it rain she will be under the weather" LoL. Lupe is wayyyyyyy better.

Am I maybe Pregnant?!?

It's impossible to have a full-blown period while you are pregnant. If you bleeding was spotting then pregnancy is a possibility. Depending on how long you have been on the pill, missing a few days of them should not throw you off too badly, but pregnancy is always a possibility. Go see your doctor. Tell him/her about the pain and problems you've been experiencing. Let him diagnose you. There's no point in you overloading yourself with worry and anxiety when you don't even know what's wrong with you.

How do I get in touch with someone at Yahoo Personals with a question.?

I received a message with no profile attached so I don't know who sent it to me. But it did come through the Yahoo Personals mailbox.

I'm probably going to sweat at prom but I don't want a makeup meltdown =\ Help?!?

You want to have the most fun at prom, so don't hold back on dancing orr doing the insanely fun things that you love to do. There is this product from beauticontrol that hides the shine on your fance. (It's called Secret agent hide the shine shine control) It is the best thing to use for those "makeup meltdowns" You have to be 18 to order it, so have your mom. It works very well. Hope I helped! And have fun at prom!

To all GW fans:why do people argue about this?

i read this one article about the yaoi and non-yaoi about gundam wing, and this person was against relena and heero being paired. and also i heared some people that likes relena and heero being paired. why do you think is a problem between them? it's confusing me. do you think there are fake arts of gundam that is mainly posted in mag and in the internet? why do the officials isn't even responding to this misunderstanding and give them the answers between such relationship (1xR)? is there any possible reason that heero is gay? just wondering.

Does this sound like bronchitis to you?

I haven't gotten a chance to get to the doctor but i have a really bad cough that produces phlegm and gets worse while i am laying down. my chest feels like there is pressure on it and then when i cough it begins to hurt. my sinuses are clogged and i have had this for about a week and it doesnt seem to be improving.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Life in trouble !! need your advice ..?

Hi my dear friends i don't Know you all take this seriously or not but my life going bad . I am 21 year old , last year i start a small business, i take Loan $2500 dollar for that, But that was a big loss. now i want to pay $2500 to bank. I have only one week remaining for that. now i have a small job not getting much from that but i havn't privation of food . i am a Php programmer and also doing web designing and SEO, how i earn these money from one week (legally i don't like to do illegal business) ..please post your advice please what i do????

Love songs similar to "Your Guardian Angel" by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus?

this song has really borught a new perspective of love to me. what's really special about this song is the emotion, and it's amazing how much is really put into it. if you havent heard it yet, go on youtube and check it out. you won't be dissapointed.

During the 1000 year reign of Christ...?

Will the earth be desolate for the 1000 years? Near the end of the 1000 years Satan will be let loose for a short time and will go and deceive the nations once more. Who are these people? Are they the ones who are resurrected back to life but in the flesh? Or are they the descendants of the few who survived to the second coming but not resurrected to glory? At this time they (nations) will surround the city (Jerusalem)~is this referring to Armageddon or will Armageddon happen before the second coming? Please use scripture to answer these questions...

Name every type of rodent.......?

I live in australia and looove animals so much!! ecpeically rodents! I want to know all the possible rodents i could own that you could keep in australia... I know all the common ones like guinea pigs and rats and mice but i wanna no more something not common like a sugar glider!!! are there anymore PLEASE TELL!!

Which last name is better Fisherman OR Fisheradams?

Are you trying to change your last name? Sorry don't like them. Come up with a cooler last name. How about Max Power?

Can anyone please show me the Richter Scale measurements?

The attached article goes into both a short answer and a long answer as to what the Richter Scale is and what its measurements mean.

What can I do about my 15 month old's temper tantrums?

My 15 month old must be starting the terrible two's early. I try my best to not put him in situations where he's not too tired or hungry, but he's beginning to get quite stubborn and vocal about not getting his way. I am kinda at a loss about what to do about his tantrums. I have been letting him tantrum and then comforting him after he calms down. Is that OK? What can I do to stop them? They seem to be getting worse. Today has been a tough day for us. I kinda feel like crying as well. We did take a nice walk that he enjoyed, but he had a major meltdown afterwards. :(

Iron-on problems?!?!?!?!?

I used the iron ons to put patches on my boy scout sash but i put them on the wrong side. How do I remove the iron on adhesive without leaving a mark. Iron ons are the sheet that has paper on one side and adhesive on the other

I am thinking about consolidating but not for shore what it is i was told it will boost my credit score?

i was told it would boost my score up to 200 points he said it would take 4 months and all i needed to give him was 600 and in 4 months i should start seeing improvement i need to improve my score because im trying to get my own apartment and i just got out of a 6 year relationship and its difficult for me to get a nother apartment i saved up 5000 living with my mom and im ready to move and i also owe lots of doc bills and just broke a lease about 4 month ago he said the company is called c and c credit company has anyone heard of this before and what should i do

I have a terrible situation with the DMV of California. Can someone offer me advice?

In Sept. 2006 a Beverly Hills cop gave me a ticket for not having a License Renewal Stamp on my license plate. I was told pay the ticket, get the DMV License Renewal, put the Stamp on my license plate & then go to the Bev. Hills Courthouse (L.A. Superior Court) & show them proof of all this. I did all of the above BUT I forgot to go to the Courthouse and show them proof of Renewal. Today I got a letter from a collection agency (for the L.A. Superior Court) that I now owe $806! I called these people & was told I had to appear before a judge Feb. 4th, that my license was probably revoked, a warrant is out for my arrest, & that I cannot drive legally until I see the judge! I'm terrified - I'm a low paid temp office worker with adult ADD & I really did forget to go to the Courthouse. Yes, it's my fault but... Is there ANY way to lower the $806 penalty? Can I reinstate my license before my hearing (I have to drive to go to work). And the warrant for arrest? What can I do? Please advise me.

People,don t you think computers and those that control the computer are limiting our evolution?

We have this big thing called the internet,there we can search for our full history,yet kids today know less more about history,or grammar,or literature or being sociable.Sport teams requires no longer working as a team but everyone looks to prove themselves and they forget about the game,the spirit of the game,today is now getting the big check and that s changing considering americans and other population starts to use the card for payment.I have a 15 year old neighbour that was straight A since last year,now he did not p grammar,sport and literature,but he is a pro at science and math,last year he started to have his first i pad or pod...15 year old using an i pad or pod,and he is dumber and deserted his friends his age.Computers are much more violent and needed since 20 year earlier,human interaction and sociology and human resources have been reduced,so my question for all of you computer worshipers,how is this better?or what are the down sides,for you cant make something that sustains better forever right?Thank you!

Check this out. please? anyone?

have a look and be honest please. what do u think of a man whos able to do this method of pushups 45 reps max. in a row. 45 repetitions max. muscle failure. full range of motion. with controlled movement. 45 repetitions in a row. max. what do u think? give it a try yourself and tell me.

Is there really a point to jobs? think of how the cavemen did things!?

Cavemen created their own devices that they HAD to have, these days we create random non-needed things. Also to get a job you need schooling, and I believe that schooling is one of the number one causes of stress and depression, which is what litterally KILLS us is it not? If we didn't have technology and everything do you think there would be sickness, viruses etc? It's like those pictures where you see nothing but BEAUTIFUL huge land, filled with life. These days you look at a picture and its ugly tall buildings that are poluting this beautiful world we are taking so much advantage of. Don't you think the things we don't need should be destroyed?

Help me identify this song/artist from this video?

I got the link to work...but I couldn't catch enough of the song to figure it out. Sorry...Best of luck!

What to expect in the steps toward weight loss surgery?

My dad had gastric byp (started at 450 lbs) and got down to 280 after surgery, but gained 50-70 lbs back on. Your stomach stretches back out so you have to make a lifestyle change after getting it. A pastor at my old church got it and had some complications, but lost a LOT of weight. He's maybe 160 lbs now. I would say it is worth the risks just from the problems obesity causes. If your insurance will pay for it, I'd give it a go.

Is it condescending to use your girlfriend as a foot rest?

I have a girlfriend and she likes it rough. I sometimes playfully to get on all fours and put my feet on top of her.

Facebook pictures (under information)?

you could get a banner like mine : a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a its best if you cant find good pics

Anybody been married in Laguna Beach?

I am from AZ and looking into having a beach wedding. Has anybody ever been married at Heisler Park in Laguna Beach? What are the pros and cons of this venue? What time of year is it best to have a beach wedding? Any other good beaches you recommend for weddings?

What does this Latin paragraph say?

My son and I are wanting you as we p by. It pretty is here and we can see many mountains (videamus, videremus doesn't seem to make sense). But, lady postman, I have apples. Yesterday, my son and I had a punch-up, and he is running away. I want to make it come back, but it will be something which is not ripe yet. I am afraid. we are sending you a large letter of the alphabet. Have you aquisivistied them? I have many questions that belong to you. Are you searching for me? Have the fleas in your vicinity sent any however? Well, lady who lives next door, the cities are having a holiday.

What can i do about an infection in my tooth?

Take the pain meds...that is what they are for...when the antibiotics kick in, the infection should subside and the pain will be relieved...(about 48 hours...)

What is the speed of a water jet coming from a hole in the bottom of a tank?

A small hole is 5m from the top of a water tank. What is the speed of water coming out? I know we need to use Bernoulli, but forgot how it works. I need a numerical answer, thanks for the help.

I REALLY want braces!?

I need to convince my parents to get me braces. I only have one tooth crooked but its right in the front. I am really self-concious about it. Laughing and smiling are hard because I feel like i have to keep my mouth closed. twice people have even said something about it. One day i was at a restaurant and one of my friends ped around a phone with this hideous lady as his background with crooked teeth to show my other friend his phone and my other friend shouted "Hey! It looks like Lindsey!" It was really embarssing. Eveytime i try to talk to my parents about it they say its too expensive or there working on it. I REALLY wantt them, please help

How to get a camera off tripod?

My nikon d99 is stuck on a tripod. It seems which every way I turn it, it stays that same or gets worse. It is diggine into the camera. Before I cause more damage, do you turn it clockwise or counter clockwise if I am behin the camera?

Going to Mexico and unsure about bringing...?

I'm planning a trip to Mexico soon, and im wondering if anybody has been, and knows about bringing my prescription medicines with me. Its an extended trip (2 months) so i have a supply to last, but i dont know if i can/should bring them - i need these meds, they are not narcotic painkillers or anything, but is there any medications illegal to bring with?

If i buy an iphone 3g wih bill pay sim and i change the sim to a pay as you go will my iphone work?

No. Att makes you sign the contract in the store. Therefore, you have to pay the early termination fee ($150) to get out of the contract and then put the pay as you go sim in. Even then it isn't really worth it cause of all the money you spent.

Why are some marxist-minded people clist and/or indulge in commercialism?

Is it because they are hypocrites? Do they just think they look cool wearing Che Guevara t-shirts, or do they understand anything about Marxism at all?

Where can I get 30 seconds to mars newsletter from?

Yep i think it is the mars army thing! Cuz when u sign up it sends all kinds of news about them! Btw they r freakin amazing!!!! ;)

GUYS: Please chime in...?

there's this guy and I sense some flirting with him and we tend to stay in touch a lot re. work, but I'm not dumping work on him now because of the holidays; so if u liked a girl, would you email her or something for Christmas? And if he doesn't, does that mean he didn't think of me?

Glue or adhesive that you can use on skin?

What is a safe glue or adhesive that you can use on the skin? Let me know....I will give 10pts to the best answer.

How brave was this man?

A Ghurka from the Royal Ghurka Rifles, held off 30 Taliban insurgents single handed. he ran out of ammunition after 20 minutes of fighting, then fought them using his weapons Tripod, until the last 5 of the Insurgents fled. He was awarded the medal for "Conspicuous Gallantry" which is just below the Victoria Cross. His action saved the lives of 4 of his companions.

Does anyone have a sugar glider for sale?

Does anyone have a sugar glider for sale im looking for one the price of $150 if anyone has one for sale please please let me know. Thanks For Your Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Nickname from e-mail! I want to change my name what appear from my adress.?

When i send a mail, that person see that i am " pretty dolly thing" (something like that) a old nickname, now how i can change it. That person to see my name, i went to options and account information, there is all right, is my name. When i send again a message... there we go, appear again that silly nickname.Please, help can i change it ! I want to use my name :) Kisses and thank you a lot.You can answer me at you so much all !

How can I go on after finding this out?

In Mississippi, where I live and practice, the law has abolished the exemption for spousal , which used to give immunity to a man who d his own wife if they lived together. Mississippi law also makes domestic violence which would include the battery of one's spouse a crime. However, Mississippi has retained an exemption for a perpetrator of ual battery on his spouse if they are living together. What that means is a man is free to batter his wife as long as the battery is ual in nature. So, you can ually ault your wife as much as you want, and never be prosecuted. How can I not kill myself now that I have found this out?

My big brother ed me!?

your brother is in the wrong, he didnt need to you like that and plus you're not a child and that is abuse

FashionLovers: Yay or Nay?

Yes. That is amazing. Vintage, 80's is "In" now and days. The blue, large collar, pockets, baggy pants and belt really pull it off! It looks very Parisian and fashionable. When wearing it, you may want to keep your hands in the pockets as much as possible because that really pulls off the look, MUCH better.